The Split

Free The Split by Penny Tyler

Book: The Split by Penny Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Tyler
swinging inward.
                  “Can I help you?”  Derek asks.  The startled man stops abruptly when he sees me.  He tries his best not to glance down at my massive breasts nearly falling out of their low cut top that I’ve chosen for the night, but Derek’s only human.  His gaze doesn’t linger however, and moments later he’s collected himself enough to hold a conversation.
                  “Hi.”  I say, smiling sweetly.  “I’m Alison Hyde.  Your neighbor upstairs.”
                  Derek looks confused.  “Are you new?  I’ve never seen you.”
                  I nod.  “Just moved in.  I love the building, I’m so happy to be here but there’s just one problem.”
                  I let my comment linger in the air for a moment until Derek finally takes the bait and asks.  “What is it?”
                  “Well, I’m trying to sleep right now, and all the noise down here is keeping me awake.”  I say.
                  “Noise?”  Now Derek is really confused.  “What noise?”
                  I roll my eyes playfully.  You don’t have to be embarrassed, the whole building can hear you fucking in there.”
                  Derek can’t help but burst out laughing as I say this.  “I’m sorry, but you definitely have the wrong guy.  There’s no fucking going on in here.”
                  “Well, you don’t have to admit it, but I can hear it through the vents and it’s very loud.  I need to get up early for work so if you could please keep it down, I’d appreciate it.”  I explain.
                  Derek shakes his head.  “I swear to you, there’s no sex happening in here.  I don’t know which apartment the sound is coming from but it’s not mine.”
                  I take a step closer to Derek now, crossing into his personal space and letting the electrify flow freely between us.  “Listen, you’re very handsome, so I’m sure you can invite her over again tomorrow when it’s the weekend and the rest of us don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn.  I’m not trying to ruin the fun, but please keep it down.”
                  Derek is playfully frustrated now, not by the way this mysterious woman has just barged into his life unannounced, but by the simple fact that I refuse to believe him.
                  Finally, Derek throws open his door all the way and steps to the side with a laugh.  “I swear to you.”  He says.  “Come see for yourself.”
                  I shrug and cross over the threshold of Derek’s incredible luxury apartment, trying not to celebrate my small victory towards his inevitable seduction.  I feel powerful in this perfect body that I’ve created, like anything is possible.
                  Derek’s place is phenomenally large; a well kept bachelor pad that’s way bigger than it needs to be for just one man.  The first room that we step into is a massive living room that overlooks the city below, the night skyline twinkling with a smattering of distant apartment lights from other people burning the midnight oil like ourselves.  The ceiling is high, and I immediately realize that the place has two stories, which gives my story slightly less credibility.
                  “Look!”  Derek says, motioning over to the right.  “My bedrooms not even upstairs, you couldn’t have heard me anyway.”
                  I pretend to be too preoccupied with the majestic city landscape to follow him, instead stepping forward until I’m right up against the massive, living room windows.  I can see the slight reflection of my strange new self staring back at me, and watch as Derek steps up behind.
                  “Your view is incredible.”  I tell him, my eyes remaining transfixed on the urban beauty

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