KATACLYSM: A Space-Time Comedy

Free KATACLYSM: A Space-Time Comedy by Roy S. Rikman

Book: KATACLYSM: A Space-Time Comedy by Roy S. Rikman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roy S. Rikman
yourselves in the moment.  It is a truly exciting time.  In a burst of light and glory, the words came to me in the early hours before dawn.  The meaning was simple.  The End of Days approaches in less than sixty hours and we must send the world a signal.  We must make haste brothers, but have no fear.  In the aftermath of the apocalyptic times, we will each hold a place at the highest table in the new utopia.”
    Before going on with the details, Terry paused for effect to allow his words to sink in.
    “Who sent the message?” shouted someone near the stage.  Terry rolled his eyes.
    “Is there not one among you with a shred of self-control,” he admonished.  “It should be obvious to all of you that the message came from…You Know Who.”
    There was silence.  Someone coughed at the back of the room.  Terry was unable to hide his frustration and disappointment.
    “You know, the one, He Who We Must Not Name.”
    “Who?...Voldemort?” blurted out Greg.
    “No not Voldemort you twit!”  shrieked Terry, his face turning crimson and sweat running down his forehead.  “Our supreme lord.  The heavenly astronaut.  Adam Outerspace!”
    Suddenly, there was much murmuring in the hall.  Terry sighed.
    “Order!  I demand order,” he called, waiting until everyone had settled down.  “Now, as we have very little time until our Messiah returns, we must decide on a course of action.”  Terry licked his lips as he prepared to present his brilliant scheme.
    “Let’s nail him to something!” interrupted another voice from the back.
    “Absolutely not,” said Terry feeling that he was losing control.
    “C’mon, what could we nail him to?....  What about an octagon?  That would look really neat.  Hey Ralph!  Do you think we could get us a piece of wood shaped like an octagon?  We could nail him to that.”
    “We’re not nailing anyone to anything,” barked Terry.  “I tell you that at every meeting.  That’s not what we’re all about.”
    “But it’s worked before.”
    “Silence!  I have waited too long for my plans to be ruined by feeble minded imbeciles.”
    Terry’s eyes sparkled wildly.  His previously polished demeanor had degenerated into a panting huff.
    “I am the leader of this organization.  Don’t forget that I am the one who has assured each of you a privileged spot in the world to come.  If there is anyone who questions my leadership, then speak now or forever hold your tongue.”
    This time there was absolute silence.  Another cough caused Terry to raise an eyebrow.
    “Very well, now here’s what we’re going to do…”

Chapter 8
    It was one thirty and, across town, Jude was making his way back home.  He had nearly reached Boston Common, coming upon the familiar cobblestone streets that marked the first leg of the Freedom Trail.  Something bothered him though.  The line marking the trail on the sidewalk was an exquisite aqua.  Somehow, he was certain that it should have been red.  Jude was tired of feeling unsettled.  He needed a drink.
    Ducking into the nearest pub, Jude sat down at the bar and ordered a gin and tonic.  Turning to grab a cocktail napkin, he was surprised to find the woman he had been chasing that morning seated right next to him.
    “Hello again,” he said nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink.
    Flower looked up.  She seemed dejected albeit in a radiantly beautiful way.
    “It’s you again.  Have you been following me?”
    “Actually I haven’t,” replied Jude. “But it would be a lie to say that it hadn’t crossed my mind.  So listen, why don’t I buy you lunch?”
    “It’s very kind of you to offer.  But I’m afraid that I’ve had a rather awful morning and I’m not convinced that I’d be very good company.”
    “Nonsense, I insist.  I’d love to hear all about it.”
    Jude walked over to a table for two and pulled out a chair motioning for Flower to sit down in it.  Hesitantly she joined him.
    “You said that your

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