
Free Feverish by Amanda N Richardson

Book: Feverish by Amanda N Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda N Richardson
love you Dix.”
    He expelled a heavy breath and pulled her back kissing her, but he it wasn’t as brief as she expected and she gasped. He pulled back and grinned. “I love you too baby,” he said and kissed her lightly. “Forever.”
    At first she worried that balancing between them would be rough, but so far they didn’t show any jealously towards each other. They were respectful of each other, which surprised her considering how possessive they were.
    A girl couldn’t get any luckier than having two fierce tigers by her side to protect for the rest of her life. She relaxed knowing that she would never be short of love ever again. She wouldn’t live the way she had grown up. It was part of the reason why she was leery of allowing herself to get attached. She learned at a young age, that people lie, and they left you. It was inevitable. She was bounced around from home to home for years. Never once did anyone stick by her. She was on her own for most of her life and at 16 she grew tired of the games adults played. She ran away and ended up on the streets.
    She met Marcella six months later. The woman was a saint and was the first to help her. She was the one who gave her a job and an apartment helping her get on her feet. She was the first person Dara ever allowed close to her, until now. She knew with Eden and Dix that her future was bright. She looked forward to carrying their children. Not that they had discussed it. Officially she could only marry one of them, and officially only one of them could be listed as the father on the baby’s birth certificate. It was a bit soon to be thinking about it, but she wanted to be prepared.
    Dara realized she was ready to be a mom. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the mating or because she was emotional. Either way she knew what she wanted. She ran the tips of her fingers down Dix’s chest and looked up at him beneath her lashes.
    “Yes, baby?” His eyes glowed with adoration.
    “How soon can we talk about starting a family?” What the hell, she figured she’d bite the bullet.
    He gulped but his smiled widened and his teeth glistened. “As soon as you want. There’s a chance you already are though.” He stopped her fingers from moving lower. “It’s something we probably should have mentioned. The fever causes the female to go into a heat, much like an animal, or at least it does for shifters. We aren’t sure if that’s how it works for human women who are mates to our kind though.
    “So I could be pregnant?”
    He nodded. “I hope you’re okay with that, and I’m sorry we didn’t mention it beforehand.”
    She beamed looking down at her abdomen and ran her hand across it hoping that she was already carrying one of their children. “It’s okay, but if I am, which one of you will be the father?” She looked at Eden this time hoping he would join the conversation. He was looking at her in shock, as if he couldn’t believe she was already talking about children with them.
    He ran his fingers through his hair. “The child will be both of ours.”
    “But what about legally?”
    He shrugged. “We know humans are strange when it comes to their laws. I’ll be your husband and the father by law since I’m the eldest. Dix will be the witness for the wedding, and the godfather for our children, but in the end we are all one family. We will both be just as much the father as the other. Are you okay with our children having two dads?”
    Dara nodded happy they had already worked out all that stuff. She didn’t want there to be any conflict. “Okay as long as you guys are okay with it all. We’d have to get a DNA test if you needed to know.”
    Eden chuckled. “Sweetheart, you’re amazing, but you have to realize Dix and I love each other very much, and we got to grow up with each other. He is a part of me just as much as you are. There is no two people more important to me, at least until we have cubs. We’ve had years to accept our fates in sharing

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