That Gallagher Girl

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Book: That Gallagher Girl by Kate Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Thompson
Finn’s number. Clicking on the cursor in the text message box, she thought for a moment or two, then smiled. Help! she entered in the blank space.
    Beyond the glass, she saw Finn take his phone from his pocket, and consult the screen with a perplexed expression. Seconds later, she received the following message.
    Who is dis?
    I am an orfan of da storm i need ur help luk oot ur windo.
    It took ages for her to compose the text, but it was worth the effort. If Cat hadn’t been so cold, the look on Finn’s face might have made her laugh. Approaching the big window that overlooked the bay, he placed the palms of his hands against it and squinted through cautiously.
    Rong window , texted Cat. Try da other 1.
    He turned and looked over his shoulder, out over the black expanse of the patio and the derelict swimming pool.
    Ur gettin warmer but im not its freezin out here.
    Finn looked really spooked now. Feeling sorry for him, Cat pressed ‘Call’.
    â€˜Who the hell is this?’ he said, picking up.
    â€˜I am the Cat who walks by herself,’ Cat told him in her growliest voice, ‘and I wish to come into your house.’
    â€˜Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but—’
    â€˜Oh, Finn! Let me in!’ she wailed. ‘It’s me – it’s Catty! I’ve come ho-ome. Please let me in.’
    â€˜You are fucking barking, whoever you are.’
    â€˜No, no – I’m mewling, piteously. Come . . . come to the window.’ She watched as Finn moved slowly in the direction of the window through which she was spying on him. ‘That’s right. See? Here I am!’ Cat emerged from the overgrown rose bush behind which she’d been concealing herself, stretched out her arms to him and smiled.
    Lunging backwards, Finn let out a yell, and this time she did laugh. ‘Who the fuck are you?’ he demanded.
    â€˜I told you. It’s Cat. Cat Gallagher. Remember me? We met at The O’Hara Affair wrap party. Won’t you please let me come in? I’m awful cold.’
    â€˜What are you doing out there?’
    Moving right up against the plate glass, Cat pressed her face against it. ‘Let me in, and I’ll tell you,’ she said.
    Finn gave her a wary look, hesitated, then tugged at the handle. ‘I can’t open it. It’s locked. Come round the front, and I’ll let you in there.’
    â€˜No. I can find my own way. Give me a moment.’
    Pressing ‘End Call’, Cat danced away from the window, and back up the balcony steps. In the bedroom, she grabbed her sleeping bag, unzipped it, and wrapped it around herself, shawl-fashion. Then she pattered down the staircase, through the massive entrance hall and into the sitting room. Finn had moved into the centre of the floor, and was standing lobbing his phone from hand to hand, looking rattled.
    â€˜How did you manage that?’
    Cat gave him a Giaconda smile. ‘I flew in through my bedroom window.’
    â€˜Sorry . . . your bedroom window?’
    â€˜Yes. I’m squatting here.’
    â€˜You . . . but this is my dad’s house!’
    â€˜Maybe. But it’s been lying empty for far too long, and it suits me perfectly.’
    â€˜Is that right? Well, good for you, Catgirl, but your time as house sitter’s up. You can get lost now.’
    â€˜Finn! Don’t be so heartless. You should be glad that it’s me and not some skanky gang of vagrants that’s been living here.’ She pulled her sleeping bag tighter around herself and gave him a look of appraisal. ‘So. Your dad must be the Mystery Buyer?’
    â€˜Word in the village is that this place has been bought by a Mystery Buyer.’
    â€˜A Mystery Buyer?’
    Finn laughed. ‘That’s a bit cloak and dagger, ain’t it? There’s no mystery about it, really. Dad just wanted to keep it

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