Incredible Metal Detecting Discoveries: True Stories of Amazing Treasures Found by Everyday People

Free Incredible Metal Detecting Discoveries: True Stories of Amazing Treasures Found by Everyday People by Mark D Smith

Book: Incredible Metal Detecting Discoveries: True Stories of Amazing Treasures Found by Everyday People by Mark D Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark D Smith
hurt. The two shells were disarmed by the local police and the bomb

Civil War Relic History Lesson
    Seven year old Lucas Hall
from Clarke County Virginia has decided to show us all up by making
an amazing find within his first week of metal detecting. It seems
young Lucas became very interested in metal detecting after speaking
with a neighbor who was a seasoned relic hunter. His neighbor was
even nice enough to give Lucas a few choice Civil War bullets. That
was it. Lucas was hooked before he even got a chance to swing a coil.

    When his 7 th birthday rolled around, what do you think young Lucas asked for? He
did not ask for an Xbox. He wanted a metal detector. His parents made
his dream come true by giving Lucas a Garret Ace 150 and it didn't
take Lucas long to start recovering some of his own relics.

    Lucas, along with his
sister and his father set out to find some real Civil War treasures
on private property. The area surrounding Lucas's home is rich in
Civil War history. There were six epic battles in his hometown alone.
It did not take them long to start locating plenty of relics. Some of
the relics were quite obvious, while others were not. Lucas held on
to all of them.

    One Saturday afternoon,
Lucas and his dad set off on 4 wheelers looking for a new place to
hunt. Lucas saw a spot that looked good to him and they started
hunting. It did not take Lucas long to locate a good sized target in
the ground. His dad told him that because of the size, it was most
likely an old fence post or something.

    Lucas was determined and
he kept digging. Together the two of them unearthed a once in a
lifetime Civil War relic. It was a Civil War sabre! Lucas and his
father could not have been happier with their new discovery.

    Lucas and his older sister
are both homeschooled. His mother has created history lessons from
all of their finds. On a recent trip to a Civil War museum, Lucas and
his sister were able to identify some more of the items they
uncovered. Each item has taught them a little piece of history. Now
Lucas and his sister are learning from every single relic they

    It did not take long for
news of the great Civil War sabre find to spread. Garrett, the
company who manufactures the machine young Lucas was using caught
wind of the find. They sent him a new metal detector that was a step
up from his current one. Lucas plans on giving his old metal detector
to his sister so the two of them can hunt together.

    This is one great metal
detecting story that has taught valuable history lessons and brought
the entire family together. Congratulations Lucas. You deserve it.

Space Treasure
    There are different types
of treasure out there. Some of us eagerly look for old coins. Some of
us get bitten by the gold bug. Some of us look for old relics that
help rewrite history and some of us hunt for space treasure. This
space treasure comes in the form of meteorites. Some scientists even
believe this is how gold arrived on our planet, in the form of

    Meteorite hunting, just
like any other form of metal detecting can become quite addictive.
How often do you get to hold a 10,000 year old rock from outer space
in your hands? For most of us this opportunity never arrives, but
that was not the case for Jansen Lyons.

    Jansen, a 13 year old
homeschooled boy became very interested in meteorites after reading a
book that explained them in great detail. The book captured his
imagination and he started examining every single rock he could get
his hands on.

    Seeing his determination,
Jansen's grandfather designed and built the boy a metal detector. You
read that right. His grandfather did not go out to the store and
purchase a metal detector. He built his own for his grandson. How
cool is that?

    Jansen quickly went to
work using his homemade metal detector and in September of 2011 he
came across what he thought was a two pound hunk of space treasure.
The only problem was that Jansen had no way of identifying

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