Big Cat Mates Tiger Byte

Free Big Cat Mates Tiger Byte by Cynthia Sax

Book: Big Cat Mates Tiger Byte by Cynthia Sax Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Sax
Tags: BIN 06256-02010
Chapter One
    Nikhil Baagh moved through the hotel foyer, maintaining his loose, leisurely stride, keeping the excitement shimmering through him under tight control and his increasingly restless inner tiger on a short leash.
    Hunt prey . Within him, his cat paced back and forth, back and forth, eager to finally meet their adversary face-to-face.
    No hunting . To protect the shifters and humans depending upon him and his business, Nikhil now played by the rules -- civilized human rules. He no longer chased threats through the city streets and mauled them into submission.
    Instead he designed elaborate schemes to capture his prey, like tonight’s exclusive charity gala constructed to flush out Verve -- the mysterious female hacker and constant pain in his tuxedo-clad ass. He’d dared his unknown adversary to attend, leaving the taunt buried in his new computer code, knowing she’d be unable to resist the challenge.
    “Is she here?” he asked, his deceivingly flat voice concealing his anticipation.
    “Don’t know, boss.” Bruce, the bear-shifter head of Tiger Tech’s security, opened the door for him.
    “You don’t know?” Nikhil raised one of his eyebrows as he entered the ballroom. “Purple is her signature color. How many women are wearing purple?” He came to a halt.
    A herd of beings dressed in black, white, and purple dotted the social landscape before him. Men sported tuxedos with purple ties and cummerbunds. Women wore ball gowns in every shade of purple, jewels sparkling in their ears and hair.
    Prey . His tiger pulled at his restraints, wishing to chase, hunt, kill.
    Not prey . Perspiration beaded on Nikhil’s forehead, the effort to contain his hostile animal tremendous. “How did this happen?”
    “She hacked the invite list and, posing as your assistant, sent a request for your guests to wear purple,” Bruce explained, standing protectively at his side.
    “Clever.” And dangerous . Claws pricked Nikhil’s skin; his tiger was incensed by the hacker’s evasive tactic.
    I should leave . Nikhil curled his hands into fists and glared up at the chandelier, the crystals sparkling like stars in the night sky. I can’t control him for much longer .
    But leaving would be conceding defeat. Verve had bested him on previous occasions, exposing security breaches in his top products and mocking his abilities. She wouldn’t best him tonight.
    I can control my animal. I’m stronger than this . Nikhil gritted his teeth. “Notify me if you spot anyone, especially any female, acting unusual. I’ll have a look around.”
    Nikhil prowled through the room, casually greeting guests, not stopping; the half-wild tiger inside him required constant movement. She was here. He knew it, his big cat bristling with awareness. She --
    Nikhil’s nostrils flared, the sweetest scent dancing on the recirculated air, the scent of warm, ripe female.
    Mate , his tiger howled, clawing at his insides, thrashing, struggling for his freedom.
    Nikhil couldn’t fight the mating call, his brain overwhelmed by primitive instinct, by unparalleled need. He raised his head, glanced around him, and caught a glimpse of platinum blonde hair, pale shoulders, black lace over lilac silk. He pivoted on his heels and gave chase, following the female, his female. His gaze was fixed on her voluptuous form as she wove between guests.
    The mayor greeted him, his monkey suit pulled tight over his rotund build. Nikhil ignored the chatter, hurrying to catch up to his unknown beauty, leaving the powerful politician gaping after him.
    Nikhil breathed deeply, inhaling the mystery woman’s aroma, torturing himself with her scent, the hacker forgotten, all his concentration on the female, on his female. My mate . His lips curled upward in a grim smile.
    “Boss.” Bruce’s massive hand landed on his arm, the bear shifter slowing his progress. “We think we might have found her.”
    “Later,” Nikhil growled, allowing his tiger to flash in his eyes,

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