Unbreakable Rules (Too Many Rules Book 3)

Free Unbreakable Rules (Too Many Rules Book 3) by G.L. Snodgrass

Book: Unbreakable Rules (Too Many Rules Book 3) by G.L. Snodgrass Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.L. Snodgrass
You'll probably invent something that makes a million dollars, but you'll be miserable doing it."
    "If you think all that, then why tell me to ask her out?"
    "Because, you've never followed my advice. I'm pretty sure you're not going to start now," he said with a weak smile.
    "You know that reverse psychology only works if the person doesn't know you're doing it?"
    "Unless it's reverse reverse psychology," he said with that smirk of his.
    "Jesus, you're hopeless."
    "That's my goal in life," he answered before returning to his comic book.
    Could I ask Hailey out? The thought of it sent shivers up and down my spine and not in a good way. Maybe in a group? Yeah right. The only things my friends did were an occasional D & D game and our annual foray to Comic Con in Seattle.
    That'd go over like a lead balloon.
    The thought of Hailey and my friends mixing together made me shudder. She'd be miserable and they'd be confused. I could see it now. 'So Hailey, do you want to go over to Howard's house for a game of Dungeons and Dragons?' When she stopped laughing, she'd say, ‘NO’ so hard it'd sound like a hammer hitting an anvil. Most definitely, the last time I would ever get to talk to her.
    My internal angst was interrupted by the sliding glass door. The goddess of my dreams stepped onto the deck with a platter of uncooked steaks.
    "Are the coals ready?" she asked. It was a brief domestic moment that turned my insides to mush.
    A vision flashed through my mind.
    A dinner party twenty years from now. Surrounded by our friends. Hailey looking as fantastic as ever in a pink and white sundress and me wondering how I had ever gotten so lucky. My business associates looking at me and wondering the same thing. Two or three kids chasing each other in the back yard. Yelling with laughter. She looked at me and gave me a secret smile. The vision was so real I could even smell the meat cooking on the grill and hear the tinkle of ice in my glass of bourbon.
    Our present day eyes locked as she stood in the doorway. We continued to stare at each other, lost. Her eyes widened in surprise and for a just a moment I thought she might have seen the same vision.
    "If they're not, they soon will be," Mark said as he got up, reached around Hailey and guided Amanda to a chair. All the time looking between Hailey and myself, shaking his head.
    I was finally able to bring myself back to the here and now relieving Hailey of our dinner.
    "How does everyone like their steak?" I asked.
    "That was good. Thanks, man," Mark said as he finished his dinner, setting his paper plate on a side table, and leaning back in his chair.
    "Yes, it was. Thank you. The grilled squash was a nice touch," Hailey said, giving me a smile that looked sweeter than cotton candy dipped in chocolate. A guy could sink into that smile and never come out.
    A quiet settled over us as we each looked out into the early evening. The sun had settled behind Mt. Simpson leaving the sky a shady dark blue and purple, preparing to turn dark.
    The smell of grilled meat knocked up against Hailey's faint lavender. The night wind began to bring us the sharp scent of the pines. My stomach was full and life was great. I leaned back and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.
    "So tell me this story about the University of Washington," Hailey said.
    My eyes sprang opened as I sat forward, shooting Mark a look that warned him to back off.
    "What?" he said to me. "It's not bad, it was a good thing. Why can't I tell her?"
    "Yes, why can't he tell me?" Hailey asked looking back and forth between Mark and myself. Her brow narrowed in curiosity.
    "Ryan, stop being silly," Amanda said. "Go ahead, Mark."
    My insides began to tumble around. I hated being the center of attention, especially in front of Hailey. Mark and Amanda didn't think it was that big a deal. They didn't understand.
    "Well, it seems our boy here," Mark said pointing towards me.  He paused, making sure he had everyone's attention. I sighed in

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