Midsummer at Eyre Hall: Book Three Eyre Hall Trilogy

Free Midsummer at Eyre Hall: Book Three Eyre Hall Trilogy by Luccia Gray

Book: Midsummer at Eyre Hall: Book Three Eyre Hall Trilogy by Luccia Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luccia Gray
clothes away, hosed me with cold water,
chained me to the walls, and they hit me, mercilessly.”
    Harry held her hand. “Jane, I’m serious.
You won’t get through the winter if you don’t eat, sleep and rest, and drink plenty
of lemon juice and honey, for your throat.”
    She nodded, but tears kept pouring down
her cheeks. “I can’t understand what’s happened. I was at home, waiting for
Michael to bring the wedding licence and suddenly they took me away to the
asylum. I thought it was a nightmare, but every time I woke up, I was back in
the room, shackled to the wall.”
    Harry patted her hand. “Try to forget.
You’re not there anymore. Michael will keep you safe, Jane.”
    “Who will keep Michael safe? I can’t
believe we’re outlaws. What shall we do? Where shall we go?”
    Her breathing became erratic. Harry took
her pulse.
     “You must keep calm, Jane. Can you keep
your food down?”
    “I’ve hardly eaten since I left Eyre
    “Well, you must eat small amounts
    I had to wipe my own tears now, as Harry
asked her more dreadful questions.  
    “Jane, I must ask you if you were
forced, intimately.”
    She nodded. “I don’t want Michael to
    “Jane, Michael will understand,” said
Harry. I was silent, convinced Jane was right. I dreaded to imagine Michael’s
reaction if he found out.
    “I don’t want anyone else to know.
Whatever happens, please don’t tell anyone. Promise me.”
    “I promise, Jane. Now, tell me, this is
important, how many men?”
    “Just one and only once.”
    “Who was it?” asked Harry. “One of the
    “A man named Mr. Poole. He told me he
was the superintendent. He said his mother had worked at Thornfield Hall.” She
turned to me. “That she looked after Bertha, your mother, Annette.”
    “Grace Poole, her drunken caretaker, the
one she mentions in the diary?”
    “The very same.”
    “Did you know her?”
    “Yes, I knew a Grace Poole. She was a
servant when I arrived at Thornfield Hall. I had heard that her son worked at
Grimsby Retreat at the time, but I never met him, although he says he saw me
    “Did you see any ulcerations, pimples,
or warts on this person?” asked Harry.
    She broke down. I put my arms around
her, and we both cried. Diana knocked on the door and pushed it ajar, asking if
everything was all right or if we needed anything. I rushed to the door to make
sure they didn’t come inside and told them we had nearly finished. Michael was
standing behind Diana, his face contorted as he looked at Jane. Harry told them
we needed nothing, and Diana closed the door.
    Jane was right. It was best not to tell
Michael. He would surely kill anyone who had had anything to do with Jane’s
stay at the asylum if he found out, and that would get him into further trouble.
Harry asked her again.
    “I don’t think so,” she said, drying her
tears, “but I can’t be sure.”
    “I’ll need to examine you, to make sure.
Lay back. It may be a little unpleasant, but I’ll be as quick as I can.”
    Harry resumed his questions as he worked.
“Are you sleeping well?”
    “No. I can’t sleep because of the
nightmares. If Michael could… but they won’t let him touch me.”
    “Jane, you’ll need to take laudanum.”
    “I can’t. Not again.”
    “Only at night, and a very small dosage.
You need to sleep or you’ll never recover. I’ll explain to Diana and Michael
how it should be administered.”
    Jane was limp and silent as Harry
finished his examination. He finally concluded that she only needed food and
    Diana asked us if we wanted to stay for
dinner, but we left shortly after. Neither of us wanted to speak to Diana, and
it was torture watching Jane’s agonised face and Michael’s drawn expression.
    On our return journey to Eyre Hall I
asked Harry what was wrong with Jane.
    “She’s in a state of shock. She’ll get
better, I hope.” He shook his head. “How could John do this to his

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