Message Received

Free Message Received by Rosemarie Naramore

Book: Message Received by Rosemarie Naramore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemarie Naramore
This plane.  You
    “Don’t worry.  We’ll be fine.  You’ve heard the
statistics.  You’re safer up here than driving in your car.”
    “My car doesn’t careen through the sky at this
altitude,” she muttered, pressing her eyelids closed again.  She clutched at
Brady’s arm.  “I think I need to get off the plane.”
    “Yeah, I’ll just ask the pilot to pull over.” 
    When they were finally allowed to move freely
around the cabin, Brady gestured for a flight attendant.  The pretty blonde
hurried over.  “Was there something you needed, sir?”
    “Uh, yes.  My friend here is terrified of
flying.  She could use a stiff drink.”
    “Do you have a preference?”
    “Well, what would you suggest?  I don’t actually
drink, myself.”
    “I’ll take care of it,” she told him
confidently.  “I’ll be right back.”
    Amanda, who he’d thought was in a fright-induced
stupor, turned to him.  “You don’t drink?  That’s great.”
    “It is?”
    She nodded.  “I don’t drink either.”
    “You do today,” he informed.
    She glanced out the window and shuddered.  “I do
today,” she ageed, as the stewardess returned and passed her an amber colored
beverage.  Amanda hurriedly took a sip, followed by several gulps.  The alcohol
went down warm and smooth.  She finished the drink in a final gulp and thrust
out the glass.  “More!”
    The flight attendant arched a brow, and turned
to Brady.  “Another one?”
    He nodded.  “Yeah.  Probably.”
    After she’d downed the liquid, Amanda turned to
Brady and gave a lopsided smiled.  “Tanks, I mean, thanks,” she slurred.  “I
feel better al—”
    Her head appeared to bobble on her neck, before
it tipped and landed squarely on his shoulder, where it remained for the
duration of the flight.

Chapter Eight
    “Oh, Ike, the room is gorgeous.”  The couple had
just been given the keys to their rooms and he had escorted Liz to her suite. 
“It’s too much,” she declared, turning in a slow circle to take in the
luxuriously appointed suite.
    “I’m just glad you like it, Liz.”  He moved to
the huge picture window.  The Atlantic Ocean sparkled like a blue gem only a
handful of yards away from them.  “The view is amazing.”  He turned back to
her.  “Why don’t you freshen up and then we’ll go to dinner?”
    “Can we take a stroll afterwards?”
    He nodded and then chuckled.  “We’ll find that
Dunkin Donuts you were talking about too.”
    She clasped her hands together.  “I can’t wait
to try the chocolate cream filled.  It’s been years since I tasted one.”
    He left her briefly, to freshen up in his room
next door, but soon returned.  “Ready?” he asked.
    She nodded.  Her bright blue eyes were beaming. 
“I can’t wait to eat seafood on the East Coast,” she gushed.  “Just imagine it,
Ike.  Just the day before yesterday we were eating Dungeness crab on the West
Coast, and this evening, we’re going to be enjoying seafood fresh from the
Atlantic Ocean.”  She laughed delightedly.  “Within mere hours, we crossed the
continent.  If you really think about that, Ike, it’s like a miracle.”
    He watched her face, so alight with joy.  He had
a part in putting that smile on her face.  The very thought brought a smile to
his face. 
    He took air travel for granted.  He’d flown
countless times.  He took for granted the ability to enter any restaurant he
wanted, without having to worry about the cost of any of the items on the
menu.  He’d booked the nicest hotel on the beach, without a thought to the
cost.  He’d been blessed, and this lovely woman deserved to be blessed too. 
She deserved to have someone splurge on her—spoil her.  And he intended to be
the one to do it. 
      “Let’s go,” he said eagerly, taking her hand.
    Together, they walked to the elevators.  They
rode down to the lobby and stepped outside, into the warm Florida sunshine. 
Liz paused to

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