Don't Kill Dinner (The Rules Trilogy)

Free Don't Kill Dinner (The Rules Trilogy) by Jennifer Martinez

Book: Don't Kill Dinner (The Rules Trilogy) by Jennifer Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Martinez
it. No more Super Kenna. After about two weeks I couldn’t feel the blood anymore. I did manage to maintain my new stealth but I blame that on a lot of practice. If Arthur was busy before now he was a mad man. He was required to note everything about the killings into the tomes for the coven. He was stressed and exhausted, I wish I could tell him I knew a way to make it all better but he was too old school. It was a secret I had to keep to myself even if it killed me.
    I tried spending as much time as possible with him knowing that it was the only way I could not kill some other puny human who deserved to die. I read, a lot. Finally I couldn’t take it any more. Arthur couldn’t entertain me because he was too busy documenting my killings and I couldn’t sit in the house anymore. I donned my gym clothes and told him I was going out for a run.
    I ran through some of the seedier parts of town in my black shorts and pink tank hoping someone would be stupid enough to try something. Two boroughs and five miles later someone finally tried to get fresh. I stopped to wait for a walk sign and the guy grabbed me by the wrist. I could smell the lust in the air and tried my best to fake scared. When I felt the cold metal of the gun on my back it took all my power to stifle the laugh. I guess he took my shaking to be fear instead of laughing because he whispered into my ear, “Don’t be scared little girl, do exactly what I say and I may let you walk away when I’m finished with you.” I simply nodded as he led me down the alley where he intended to rape and probably kill me.
    Once he had picked the perfect spot for his own death, he shoved me. Instead of falling to the ground, I simply turned around my eyes glowing and my fangs peeking out over my bottom lip. I watched the color drain from his face as he pointed the gun at my heart. I was behind him in an instant with his own gun now pointing at his back proving to him I was in charge. When I saw him start to shake I whispered in his ear, “Don’t be scared little boy, do exactly what I say and I will make your death… less painful.” I stepped back in disgust as his bladder emptied into the alleyway. None of the people I had drained so far were this pathetic but then again you could always count on a man to overcompensate.
    After my revulsion subsided I was facing him again. I shoved him back into the wall and with his gun in hand told him to strip to his skivvies. Now trembling in fear wearing nothing but his fruit of the looms he would get a taste of what he had done to other women. I squeezed the gun in my fist as I stalked up to him. I dropped the now mangled waste of metal on the ground before I put a hand on either side of his head. I leaned in close and I could smell the intoxicating aromas of fear and distress mixed with the smell of his blood pumping through his body.
    I wanted to take him right there, end his life and leave. He was a foul and loathsome creature who was stealing precious air from the people who deserved it. As much as I wanted him dead he hadn’t suffered enough. I used my fang to nip his throat and start the slow trickle of blood down his surprisingly well maintained chest. I dabbed the wound with my index finger coating it in blood.
    As I sat there licking his life on my finger I said, “Obviously you are a pathetic coward and a rapist. What other skeletons do you have in your closet?” Through the sobs now escaping his throat he said, “nothing.” I growled as I slammed my hands into the wall “I hate liars!” I screamed in his face while bits of brick and mortar began to rain down on his half naked body, then more calmly said, “Now be honest or it will hurt more.”
    He finally came clean that he was a con man who stole money from old ladies and he killed someone in a robbery once but his friend got the wrap for it. That was all I needed to know.
    This man was the scum of the scum. I grabbed his blonde hair and yanked his head to the

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