Just Can't Get Enough

Free Just Can't Get Enough by Cheris Hodges

Book: Just Can't Get Enough by Cheris Hodges Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheris Hodges
effortlessly scooped Celina up into his arms. He pushed the door open and rushed to the sofa. He gently laid Celina on the cushions.
    For a split second, she wondered if she was making a mistake. But when he kissed her on her neck, turning her insides to jelly, she couldn’t think anymore. Slowly, Darius peeled Celina’s clothes from her body, lavishing her satin skin with kisses each time he exposed a piece of her copper-colored flesh.
    Celina’s body responded instantly to Darius’s touch and he handled her body like an expert, touching her in places that aroused her and elicited hot lust from every pore of her body. As Darius ran his hands between her thighs, Celina released a primitive growl. She hadn’t been touched like that in years, hadn’t felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach since she lost her virginity on prom night years ago.
    Darius kissed her inner thigh gently, his tongue like a paintbrush drawing on her tender skin. She clutched his back, clawing at his T-shirt until she pulled it over his head. Darius continued painting lust across her thighs, slowly venturing up to the warm folds of skin that housed her passion. With wide strokes, he touched her most sensitive spot, sparking a sensation that she’d never felt before. Soft moans escaped her throat as she felt a warm trickle stream down her thighs. Tightening her legs around his neck, she pushed his face closer to her pulsing mound of female sexual energy. Celina’s legs quivered as Darius picked up on her desire and increased the speed of his tongue flickering inside of her, touching her G-spot, and making her explode. Darius traveled up her body, leaving a sweet, sticky trail across her muscular thighs, her taut stomach, and perky breasts, before planting a soul-searing kiss on her lips. Celina devoured his tongue as if she were a starving woman. And she was. Starving for love, attention, and tenderness. As she kissed him, she allowed herself to wonder what it would be like to fall in love with Darius McRae. To move back to Elmore and paint pictures of Darius all day. She wondered what it would be like to sit on the hammock on his porch and paint the bushes as they began to bloom. The thoughts of his tenderness and the love he wanted to offer calmed her fearful heart and part of her wanted to lose herself in his love.
    But she didn’t want to get hurt and that stopped her from giving him everything that he wanted from her. As Darius throbbed against her, she knew everything was going to change.
    â€œI need protection,” she said huskily. She knew Darius thought she was talking about birth control, but that wasn’t all the protection that she needed. She needed protecting from being hurt. This is just sex, she thought. Don’t overthink it.
    Darius reached into his discarded jeans and pulled out his wallet. He pulled a condom from behind his bills.
    Celina propped herself up on her elbows. “You carry condoms in your wallet?”
    Darius chuckled. “It’s something my father taught me a long time ago: always be prepared—”
    She silenced him with a kiss, coaxing his tongue into her mouth. She sucked it furiously, as if she were receiving sustenance from him. Darius moaned excitedly as she deepened her kiss, their tongues dueling for position, and his hands roamed her body. She responded to his touch, lighting up like a Roman candle. Neither of them could wait any longer. As Darius dove into her body, Celina shuddered, feeling his pulsating shaft pressing deeper and deeper into her. She clutched Darius’s back as his lips brushed against her neck. She tightened her muscles against his burgeoning manhood. Darius howled in ecstasy as he and Celina continued their sensual grind until they tumbled off the sofa, still wrapped around each other like mating snakes. Celina’s nails bit into Darius’s shoulder as the waves of an orgasm began to attack her system. Darius held her

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