which moved here, and loudly hiccupped. - It is known that they kidnap our men, they do not have the!
- Give - give gaps further, the booby! Where it vidano that women lived one, without men! Whether in the you mind, a-a-a? - having twisted fingers at a temple, answered, also loudly having hiccupped, his interlocutor. The young man in a dandyish leather hunting jacket and a hunting hat with a feather was him. - How many I do not hunt in the local wood - never saw your fairies!
- E-e-e-h, the milksop, you will live about my years … - told moustached a muzhichin, and then took a glass of beer and, having taken a gulp, tastefully belched. Then, having cunning blinked the right eye, looked at the young hunter and continued. - You to see, not on temper to them had: they do not love hunters, a he-ha. They care for animals and leleit that the mother dityatyu …
- Yes throw you! - with irritation having waved a hand, the young hunter interrupted moustached. - Dragged off it, probably, creatures from the Wood, this precisely! I saw one such once. The ugly face is black, horns as at a goat, and glazishcha - and - and-and - IN! - red. Also goggled at me … And I as from onions - oh - and - ats! - directly in a sphere to it! And it - on you! - disappeared! - The young hunter, briskly gesticulating, at the word "bang!" so punched pood a table cover that the glass of beer jumped up and the part of fragrant drink spilled. The visitors attracted with noise sprinkled from laughter - realized, the guy obviously touched …
The portly young maiden in the accurate white starched apron and the same cap on the head approached a table and began to wipe the formed puddle a rag.
- And, in my opinion, and there are no fairies any also in mention, - with forced laziness it provorkovat by a deep chest voice. - "Fairies all fairies", and where they? How many I live already in "Hunting" - never saw! And even if they also are … Our maids are not worse than them at all, and, perhaps, both will be better … - And shot eyes towards the good fellow in a leather jacket.
- Leave, silly, leave eyes! - became angry moustached a muzhichina. - You do not know nicho, and there! Here live about my years - you will say. And I saw the fairy - in! - when the boy still ran on the wood!! Itself saw! - also it is proud punched in the hairy breast which seemed from the shirt undone from a heat.
All tavern became silent, and even the owner wiping glasses behind a rack froze, listening. The portly maid, trying not to lose from a type of the guy, departed to pour new circles to a rack, but poured them obviously slowly, listening to conversation.
- And … i-i-i-k … as it? It is similar to our maids, and? - having cunning blinked the eyes, the hunter grinned.
- Not-e-e-e! - his drinking companion rolled up-headed. - To our maids to them far about - about - about - oh, not cheta-a-a-a!!! As to a skewbald rural mare to white horses of misters from Avalon, very ha! At them in! In! And in! - eloquent gestures showed moustached proportions of the imagined fairy which appeared obviously not in favor of the portly maiden standing at a rack. All hall swept with laughter, as well as the interlocutor in a leather jacket.
- And what you, an old goat, - without mincing words, she exclaimed with insult, - on our married, but not on the winged?! Probably, did not suit it a muzzle of the freckled! (the face of the man was valid everything in freckles).
- E-e-e, nitwit, well you! - again the man from disappointment waved a hand. - What to talk to women? They have no mind! I then the lad was, years ten was to me then! Climbed, it is remembered, on an egg tree at partridges liked to drag their crude to burst in the childhood. Yes the fairy flew up: in blue everything, krassyavy … Horror! And so threatened me with a finger supposedly do not indulge, the lad, and then a stick to me on the head bu-at-ums … I regained consciousness, so already on the bank of the small river, it
Gabriel Hunt, Charles Ardai
Selene Yeager, Editors of Women's Health