Ultimate Prey (Book 3 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series)

Free Ultimate Prey (Book 3 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series) by Kristine Mason

Book: Ultimate Prey (Book 3 Ultimate CORE) (CORE Series) by Kristine Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristine Mason
mom’s finger, of her tear-soaked face and the terror in her eyes, had Lola fisting her hand with helpless frustration. She wanted to save her mom, but wished she was part of a team of well-trained agents.
    Glancing across the aisle, she saw Harrison sleeping, his mouth open and a bit of drool glistening along the side of his jaw. Harrison was a good guy and a good friend, but he was no agent and spent his days in front of a computer. As for his friend? Harrison had been cryptic about the man they were picking up in Orlando, but had said that he was a total badass. But did the badass know anything about the Everglades? Or how to track down her mom and Ian? She hoped to God Dante’s contact did, otherwise they were screwed and would end up in need of rescue just as much as her mom and Ian.
    “Prepare for landing,” the pilot said over the intercom.
    Harrison snapped awake, then wiped at his mouth. He turned his head and looked at her. “I don’t normally drool. Sorry if I grossed you out.”
    She half-smiled. “I’m just glad you got some sleep.”
    He rose, then sat in the seat next to her and glanced out the window. “Ever been to Disney World?”
    “No, but I’ve been to Disneyland once. It was horrible. I threw up during the It’s a Small World ride and had to walk around in eighty-five degrees smelling like puke.”
    He chuckled. “I guess a little drool isn’t that gross after all.” After buckling the seatbelt, he leaned his head back. “Did you get some sleep?”
    “A little. I had a hard time drifting off. Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing my mom tied to the chair.” She plucked a hairband from her wrist and pulled her hair into a ponytail. “I’m scared.”
    “I know.” He took her hand. “We got this.”
    “I want to believe that, only…never mind.” While she knew she could tell Harrison about her worry over their search, she also didn’t want her lack of confidence to discourage him or the rest of their team. “Tell me about the guy we’re meeting. I’ve never met a Vlad before.”
    “And you’ll never meet anyone else like him.”
    Her ears clogged as the jet made its descent. “How long have you known him?”
    “Um…” He pushed his hand through his longish, brown bangs. “I think it’s best we not get into that.”
    She studied the side of his face. “Because? Look, it’s bad enough I don’t know anything about the guy who’s going to be guiding us into the Everglades. Since Dante vouches for him, and I trust Dante, I’m okay with that. But I think it’s only fair that you tell me about Vlad. Unless he’s a mass murderer, how bad can he be?”
    “Well, he’s not a mass murderer. He did work for one though.”
    Not a mass murderer?
    The landing gear hummed and thudded beneath them. She looked out the window just as the jet made its final approach toward the runway. “But he’s a murderer?”
    “I wouldn’t call him that, either.”
    “Has he killed people?”
    “Yeah. But—”
    “I don’t know what your definition of murder is, but in my opinion, if you kill people, you’re a murderer.” She looked away from the window and met his gaze. “You should have told me from the start. I would have never agreed to have Vlad on our team if I’d know this.” How in the hell was she going to work with a killer without worrying that he wouldn’t slit their throats?
    “You’re right. I should have told you. But Dante knows about Vlad and he approved him joining us. You did say you trusted Dante.”
    She had said that, and she did trust Dante’s judgment. He’d been Ian’s first hire and ran the agency in his absence. He’d also trained her. Dante wouldn’t jeopardize their mission or place any of them in harm’s way.
    “Fine. Then tell me this. Were his victims innocent?”
    The jet touched down. Harrison squeezed her hand and closed his eyes. “God, I hate that part.” He rolled his head to face her. “No. Vlad didn’t kill innocent people.

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