two men she seems to favor.”
Carla had had it with Myrtle and her candid opinions. Having paid Sadie for the dress, she accepted the bundle and turned for the door.
“Let me carry that for you,” Ivan offered.
She wanted to refuse, but she could tell from their expressions that doing so wouldn’t sit well with Myrtle or Sadie. She handed the bundle to Ivan, said good-bye to the two women, and fled the shop. Ivan caught up with her a little later.
“You will not escort me to the dance,” she said, her gaze straight ahead. “I will choose who I go to the dance with.”
“Of course,” Ivan said. “I only offered to ride with you to keep you company.”
Carla stopped and turned on Ivan. “That’s not what you told Myrtle.”
“What would you want me to tell her? That you are a stubborn woman who refuses to obey the law? That you will not even let me enter your home? That you would throw me off your land if you could? That you ignore every effort I make to be friendly?”
Carla practically sputtered with indignation. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“You have no idea how much I would dare. I am not a coward, but you would be the one to suffer. I am a gentleman. I would not treat any woman that way.”
Carla swallowed her exasperation, though it didn’t go down easily. It was hard to remember Ivan hadn’t created the mess she was in. Laveau diViere and her brother were the culprits. But Laveau wasn’t here, and she loved her brother even if she wanted to strangle him from time to time. Ivan was the only one on whom she could vent her wrath. It was even more difficult to hold her tongue when he charmed women who’d been critical of her since her parents died.
“I know I’m not treating you fairly, but I can’t help it. And seeing you oozing charm just makes it harder.”
He remained silent.
“I’ve spent my whole life on that ranch. My parents died on that ranch. It’s everything I know, holds everything I love. I know what Danny did was stupid, but I can’t just hand over my inheritance.” Carla struggled to hold back tears. She was stronger than this. If only Ivan wasn’t so nice. The look on his face was genuinely sympathetic. “It’s only worse when everyone in town takes your side.”
“So you think I should not fix the widow’s doors?”
“It’s not that. I—”
“Then I should not fix Miss Myrtle’s gate?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Should I tell her I will not escort you even though we will be coming to town at the same time?”
“You know what I’m talking about!” She hadn’t meant to raise her voice enough to attract attention. “Now see what you’ve made me do?”
“I merely asked what you would have me do. Why should that make you angry?”
He looked so genuine, so truly concerned, she wanted to tell him to stop acting, to save it for sentimental widows like Sadie. “I don’t want you following me around,” she said from between clenched teeth. “I don’t want you offering to escort me to town. And I don’t want you carrying a package that’s so light I’d hardly notice I was carrying it.”
“I’m not carrying it for you. I’m carrying it because that’s what Miss Myrtle wanted.”
Ivan’s response almost took her breath away. She didn’t think she was vain, but no man had ever said anything like that to her. “You shouldn’t let people take advantage of your kindness.” It didn’t seem like the right thing to say, but it was all she could think of.
“I see no reason to withhold kindness when it costs so little.”
He hadn’t been constantly criticized by Myrtle Jenkins. His judgment hadn’t been questioned just as often by Sadie Lowell. He wasn’t a young woman trying to be taken seriously in a town controlled by men. He’d never been told not to worry his pretty head about anything as serious as the best kind of rope to use for lassos. But that didn’t change the fact that Ivan was right. She let out a big sigh. “I