off a little. They’re allowing me
personal space after the newest bombshell was dropped. The St.
Michaels claim they had no knowledge of my biological connection to
my aunt and Michael. The jury is still out on if I believe them or
    Asher no showed, but did call and text me
every five seconds. I didn’t answer, I’m still hurt at the idea he
knew they were my parents all along and never once thought to tell
    At the thought, I angrily begin to shove my
books and iPad into my bag when a familiar coldness floats over my
skin. At the frigid caress, my body automatically goes on high
    It’s late and the library is empty and
quiet. All I hear is the sound of my heavy breathing as I scan the
floor for signs of danger then quickly make my way to the
    As soon as I press the down button, the
temperature in the room drops, so much so that my breath comes out
in a solid cloud. Oh shit. Come on. Come on. Come on. I will
the elevator to move faster and remind myself that Abby is
downstairs, waiting for me.
    “Eve.” My name hangs in the frosty air.
    My eyes dart to the right, where the sound
came from. Standing behind a stack of books is the same man I saw
in the quad. Again, he’s leaning on his samurai sword, his dark,
lifeless eyes studying me.
    Turning, I fully face the stranger. “Who are
you?” Brilliant, Eve, bait him.
    His lips tilt up in a wicked grin. “Thoren.”
His voice echoes with distain.
    “What do you want?” I bristle, proud I sound
stronger than I feel.
    “You’ll have to take a number,” I come back
with in a smart tone.
    “Lucky for you, my number was just called.”
The malice in his voice booms.
    “Who sent you?”
    He tilts toward me with his sinister eyes.
    The elevator dings and the doors open. I
stand there for a moment longer staring at Thoren before a familiar
male voice floats out from the open access.
    “Miss Collins, I don’t have all evening.
Will you be joining me or staying on the fifth floor?” Professor
Davidson inquires.
    Just as fast as it dropped, the temperature
returns to normal. Thoren has vanished. After a moment of shock, I
release a breath and turn to the architecture lecturer entering the
    “Everything all right, Miss Collins?”
    “Yes. Thank you,” I manage through a shaky
    He fixes his bowtie, the way he did during
class last semester and nods once. “Alright.”
    I lift my eyes and watch the numbers as we
descend. Why on earth is this taking so long? It’s only
five floors. I need to calm the fuck down and get myself under
    “If I may, you’re very pale. Are you sure
you’re feeling well?”
    “Yes. Thank you,” I repeat on autopilot and
force a smile.
    “At this late hour, the library tends to
bring out the unease in people.” His voice is gentle.
    “I’m fine. Just late to meet my friend.” I
attempt to be pleasant.
    “I see,” he responds with a voice lined in
    There is awkward silence and tension in the
small space, until we hit the third floor.
    “I’m pleased to hear that it wasn’t
Lucifer’s demon that set off your nervous energy, daughter of
Heaven,” the educator offers in a casual tone, as if he’s
discussing the weather.
    At the pointed statement, I turn my head and
tilt it toward him. “Excuse me?”
    “How do I know about Thoren, Miss Collins?
You’ll forgive my lack of decorum however, I am aware that Mr. St.
Michael is no longer your primary guardian. That, daughter of
Heaven, is the reason higher-level demons, like Thoren, are hunting
you. Regrettably for you, Mr. Gallagher and the rest of the London
clan are not able to feel their presence.”
    My mouth is hanging open, yet I can’t figure
out how to shut it. The elevator dings, signifying that we’ve
reached the main floor. The sound snaps me out of my stupor.
    “Let’s get you into my office. It’s charmed
for safety. There, I will happily attempt to

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