SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy
The sound she made came from her chest, maybe even deep in her stomach. She held it for a few long seconds before she sagged limply on the bed. But Daniel wasn’t done. His slid in another finger, then the fourth. Her body opened up for him. He saw the muscles on her stomach flutter. Her eyes blinked open.
    “Do you want me to stop?”
    She shook her head no, even though tears were leaking from her eyes. Daniel knew that feeling. She’d found her space, the sub space they called it. There were all sorts of psychological ways of explaining it, but Daniel knew it as the point where he could finally let go, the moment where he found his safety wrapped in euphoria and it was no longer necessary for him to keep up the barriers and walls necessary to keep him safe in everyday life. Keira was there with him. She’d succumbed to all the sensations. She’d given in to the act of submission and now all she had to do was sit back and enjoy. Daniel had everything in hand, quite literally.
    His thumb was the last to enter her warm cunt. He held still for a moment as she swirled her hips, feeling her muscles squeeze down on his fingers before they relaxed then tensed again.
    Daniel moved his hand, his whole arm, with deep, pumping thrusts. His right arm, with its healed scars, traced over the skin of her breasts and nipples. Keira met him at every beat, harder and harder as her strength came back to her, until she climaxed again. It was different this time, not one hard explosion, but a series of mini eruptions. She lay trembling on her side as liquid leaked from between her thighs and onto the sheets. The sight of it, the watery proof of her pleasure, almost made Daniel come in his jeans.
    Eventually he slid his fingers free. He went to the kitchen and, when he returned with a bottle of water, he quickly unwrapped the tape from Keira’s mouth and cut the tape from her wrists and ankles. He wiped her face with a damp cloth he had waiting, then pulled her onto his lap and helped her take a sip of the water.
    She looked up at him, the tears flowing more freely. It had been an intense hour.
    “How are you feeling?” he asked.
    “No small talk. Where’s the ice cream?”
    “Yes small talk. That’s how this works. How are you feeling?”
    Keira looked down and grabbed onto his t-shirt. “Is it okay if I can’t put it into words? I feel a lot, or I felt a lot, but I don’t know how to explain it.”
    “Yeah, that’s very okay. Are you hurt anywhere?” She’d be sore in the morning just from struggling against the bindings, but he needed to know if he’d hurt her.
    Keira took another sip of water then settled against his body. “I feel great. My brain is like pudding, but my body feels… I can’t explain it.”
    “I get it.”
    “Good. Now ice cream. I need it.”
    “If I didn’t love you so much I’d drop your ass on the floor right now.”
    “I know it’s tough,” Keira said, playing off his ill-timed declaration. “I love me too.”
    Daniel rolled his eyes, but gently moved her over to the pillows. He’d think about what he’d just let slip later. Much later. Way after ice cream.

    “Daniel. Daniel.”
    He knew he wasn’t alone. In fact he knew he’d fallen asleep with this perfect woman resting in his arms. Daniel just wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or if Keira was really saying his name. He felt a little nudge to his ribs. “Dan.”
    “Yeah, babe.”
    “Do you have any condoms?”
    “Yeah, I—”
    She interrupted his sleepy groan. “I want to have sex with you.”
    He was still half asleep, but that was all his body needed to hear. He stood up and found the condoms in his dresser with his eyes nearly closed. Slid one on in an automatic motion. He was between her thighs next, feeling his way in the dark until his cock was exactly where in it needed to be. Keira bore down on him with a whimper, taking his whole length at once. He groaned in kind. She was so warm. Welcoming. There was no rush to

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