SATED: #3 in the Fit Trilogy
come, just the slow, lazy motion of their bodies moving together. Daniel wanted it to last forever. He buried his face in the curve of her neck, praying it would.


    Daniel set his menu down the moment he saw Mistress Evelyn glide into the restaurant. As she got closer he did what he been taught to do for the last ten years. He stood and pulled out her chair. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
    “Hello, sweetheart. It’s good to finally see you.”
    “Likewise.” It had only been three weeks, but that was a long time when it came to being away from The Club and The Family.
    Daniel took his seat, feeling his face heat for a few different reasons. It was always something to be around Evelyn. And Philip. But his Mistress definitely had a way about her that made you aware of everything. It was her voice, the light and smooth, delicate way of it, and the fact that she was easily six feet tall. She was over sixty, but black women age in that way that had most people convinced she wasn’t a day over forty. She was beautiful, with her salt-and-pepper hair shaved close to her head. And all Daniel could think of was Keira. He looked down at his glass of water.
    “Do we bother with the pleasantries or should we just talk?”
    Daniel smiled. She knew him too well. “Whatever pleases you.”
    “Oh stop it. Tell me about her.”
    “I don’t think I can.” That was the only way to put it. Talking to Mistress Evelyn was always an easy thing to do. She’d been with him since the beginning. Seen him through rehab and physical therapy. She’d flown his mother down so she could be there when he was fitted for his first prosthesis. If he could confide in anyone, it was Mistress Evelyn Baker. But there was some sort of block when it came to Keira. He didn’t like talking about her to anyone. It had nothing to do with shame. He loved her. He had admitted that to himself days ago. It was something closer to privacy. Something inside of him just didn’t want to go there. But Mistress Evelyn wasn’t giving up. She reached out and took Daniel’s hand.
    “Try. I want to know about this woman who’s kept you away from us for so long.”
    Daniel gave up and pulled out his phone, going right to one of the many, many pictures of Keira he now had on it. A selfie she’d taken of them together the night before when she was sitting on his lap, live tweeting Galaxis . He handed his phone over.
    “I thought you would have met her before at one of Grant or Armando’s things, but I’m sure you would both remember each other.”
    “You told her about me?”
    “Not exactly.” More like not at all.
    Mistress Evelyn just laughed. She was a stern, challenging Dominant, but also a kind, lighthearted, wonderful friend and Daniel was being an ass.
    “Oh, she’s beautiful. Such a sweet face, but I want to know, what’s got you scared?” she asked. Their server appeared then and Mistress Evelyn ordered for them both without glancing at the menu. Again, his mind flashed to Keira.
    “She doesn’t know the extent…of all this,” he said, once their server was gone.
    “But clearly she’s giving you what you need or you’d have come running back to The Club already.”
    She wasn’t wrong. They’d been taking turns Topping and bottoming, kind of. He topped her and she sorted through various fantasies she had stored in her imagination. And Daniel followed through with those fantasies, no matter how ridiculous. The nights they’d spent at his place she’d been okay with, and then enthusiastic about him moving from bare hand spankings to the flogger. She didn’t care much for the paddles. There was regular vanilla sex. Lots of that; more than Daniel was used to, but he couldn’t bring himself to mind. He felt himself getting hard thinking about it. Sometimes after a long day at work, retreating to her apartment and falling into her bed, just to make love to her, was the best part of his day.
    “I don’t think she’s ready

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