Alien Warrior's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors Book 2)

Free Alien Warrior's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors Book 2) by Luna Hunter

Book: Alien Warrior's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors Book 2) by Luna Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Luna Hunter
“And I’m a general; I know much more about war than you ever will.”
    The spherical room we’re in is entirely made of glass, providing a breath-taking view of the Arctic wastes. Outside a snowstorm rages, but it’s uncomfortably warm inside. I’m kneeling in front of him, Kaitlyn to my side, both our hands shackled. Gorgi thinks he has the upper hand. I want him to keep thinking that.
    “Where are my friends?” I say. “That was the deal.”
    “Consorting with humans, tsk tsk,” Gorgi says. “No offense, Bennet.”
    Bennet shrugs, absent-mindedly playing with his silver gun.
    “They’re safe.”
    “I want to see them.”
    “All in due time, General. Why the rush? The fun is only just starting.”
    He runs his bony finger across the blade of Suncleaver, my trusted sword. Seeing him wield my clan’s weapon is offensive in too many ways to count.
    “Is this the sword that slayed Emperor Qleiord?”
    “You bet,” I growl.
    And you’re next.
    He stares at it in amazement, before placing the blade down on my shoulder.
    “I could end your life right now,” he muses. “One stroke, and I could cut your head clean off.”
    “You won’t,” I say. “First of all, you can barely lift the blade as it is. Second, you wouldn’t give me such a clean death.”
    Gorgi smiles, licking his fangs. “Correct. Maybe you’re not quite as stupid as I thought. I have a much better use for you.”
    The sliding door opens with a hiss, and four soldiers walk in, carrying a giant crate. I recognize the Zoran symbols instantly.
    The Archer Cure.
    “You recognize this?”
    “You beast,” Kaitlyn spits suddenly. “Millions depend on that cure, and you’re turning it into a weapon?!”
    “Ah,” Gorgi says. “It seems you two have been resourceful little bees, haven’t you? But yes, you are right. I’ve poisoned the ‘cure’. Millions will die, and humans will go to war with the Zoran. Bennet here will take his rightful place as leader of the Federation, while I will claim my rightful title as leader of the Zoran people. Emperor Gorgi . Has a nice ring to it, don’t you agree? Sometimes you need to give history a little push in the right direction. You understand, don’t you?”
    “I understand you’re a psychopath,” Kaitlyn says. “You won’t get away with this.”
    Gorgi laughs, a throaty, awful sound. “But I am! And now, you two are going to be part of history. You see, you’ll be the first live test subjects for the new and improved ‘cure’! If it works as intended, you’re in for a slow and gruesome death,” he cackles manically.
    He opens the case and pulls out two syringes, a violet liquid inside of them.
    “Prepare to die, my friends,” he says with a sickening smile.
    A second later the glass dome shatters, shards flying every which way. The snowstorm instantly blows its way inside, the icy winds whipping me from every side, the thick flocks of snow hindering sight. Within the blink of an eye, it’s pandemonium.
    A dozen Zorans drop in from above, every one of them armed to the teeth. I hear screams and guns rattling, but the sounds are quickly silenced as my highly-trained warriors disarm their opponents with lightning speed.
    I stand up, tearing the shackles on my wrists clean off. I tell Kaitlyn to hide behind me, while senator Gorgi cowers in front of me, a look of horror on his face. He turns to flee, but he bumps into the broad, dark-blue chest of General Drax.
    Drax. Of course he couldn’t resist the urge to drop in personally. He never passes up a moment to try and outshine me. We’ve competed all our lives, and are as close as brothers.
    Am I glad to see him!
    “Going somewhere, Gorgi?” Drax asks.
    He lifts my sword off the floor with a flick of his foot, catches it in the air, and throws it over Gorgi’s head towards me. I catch it by its handle, and the weight feels right.
    It’s good to have Suncleaver back where it belongs: in my hands.
    Gorgi bears his fangs. His gaze

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