Released (Eternal Balance)
into this body. Even if I wanted to, there is no shifting the path we must take.”
    I thought I detected a note of regret, but I had to remind myself that it was Jax’s voice I was hearing. I was pinning a familiar emotion to it, probably to make myself feel better about the situation.
    “You’re wrong,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. A normal person probably wouldn’t have heard me, but I knew Azi could. “About all of it. You’re wrong.”
    It was just before dawn, and we were just three hours from the park. Azi and I hadn’t spoken since it had deemed us all worthless piles of skin and bones. My anger had abated—a little—leaving me physically and mentally exhausted.
    “I imagine the park does not open for some time,” it said, breaking the silence.
    “Then may I suggest you find a place to sleep for several hours?”
    “You might, but I’d ignore you.”
    “He wishes you to rest.”
    I gritted my teeth and blew out slowly to gain control over my temper. “Does he? Well, then, let him tell me himself.”
    “If you do not pull the vehicle off the road, I will be forced to make you.”
    I snorted. “Make me? How the hell—”
    Before I knew what was happening, Jax’s hand grabbed the wheel. With a brutal jerk to the right, the truck cut sideways, across two lanes of traffic. The sound of squealing tires and blaring horns filled the air as I slammed the brake, and a foul burning-rubber smell filled my nose. When the truck finally came to a stop, we were just past a break in the guardrail—thank God—and several yards into an open field.
    For a moment I couldn’t move. Hell, I could barely breathe. My hands, white and shaking, were clamped so tightly that there was a noticeable vibration in the steering wheel.
    “I know they probably don’t have cars in hell , but what the fuck!” I exhaled and let go of the wheel. “If you want me dead, there are simpler ways to go about it.”
    “I wish the opposite. It is detrimental for your body to go without sleep. I am taking care of you, as per my agreement with my human.”
    “Agreement?” This kept getting better and better. “What the hell are you talking about?”
    “He wishes for me to keep you safe.”
    I balked. For a second I had no idea what to say. Of course Jax would want me to be safe, but I couldn’t help feeling that by asking Azi to watch out for me, he’d given up. “I can keep myself safe.”
    “You are capable. For a human. However, your disregard for natural body functions is troubling. Sleep is necessary for your kind.”
    “And where would you like me to sleep? Last time I checked, we didn’t have money for a hotel.”
    “Sleep in the truck. There is adequate room in the backseat.”
    “I’d rather sleep on the hood.”
    “Go to sleep,” the demon said with eerie calm. It twisted Jax’s body toward me and leaned in close. “Now. Or you won’t like what I’ll do.”
    My response was simple, “No.”
    Azi was quiet for a moment. I was tempted to pull the truck back onto the road and pretend the whole thing never happened, but just as I went to grab the wheel, it said, “I will return him to you.”
    I froze. “You’ll—” That was its threat? Give me what I wanted? Bullshit. It thought I’d been born five minutes ago?
    “For a short time,” it amended. “I will allow him partial control if you agree to sleep.”
    I stared. I tried to answer, but no words would come. Bribery? The demon was bribing me? To go to sleep ?
    “Are we in agreement?”
    “And what exactly does ‘partial control’ mean?” I asked, finding my voice. There was no flicker of hope at his words. No flutter of anticipation.
    Without a word, Azi unbuckled the seat belt and threw open the door. Once out the passenger’s side, it slipped into the backseat in a single, fluent move. It closed the door and settled Jax’s body across the seat, leaning back. “He will have the ability to speak to you. That is

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