The Tycoon's Bought Fiancée

Free The Tycoon's Bought Fiancée by Sandra Marton

Book: The Tycoon's Bought Fiancée by Sandra Marton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Marton
    She made no sound, moved not an inch. But the moan she’d managed to hold back moments ago slipped through the kiss. She felt a tremor pass through him and then he thrust one hand into her hair, tipped her head back, and parted her lips with his.
    There was no time to think. All she could do was react—and respond. Stephanie whimpered softly, wound her arms around David’s neck, and opened her mouth to his kiss.
    The lights in the cabin blinked out. Blackness engulfed them. The plane lifted, then dropped as if there were a hole in the sky. They were alone on the dark, wild sea of the heavens, and at its mercy.
    Stephanie wasn’t afraid. She felt the strength of David’s arms as they encircled her, felt the racing pound of his heart against hers, and when his hand slid under the jacket of her suit and cupped her breast, she cried out in pleasure.
    â€œYes,” he whispered. “Oh, yes.”
    She felt the nip of his teeth. Her head fell back as he pressed his lips to her throat and when he brought her hand to him, settled it against the powerful thrust of his arousal, she arched against him.
    This was wrong. It was insane. She knew that, knew it well. But to stop what she felt, what David was making her feel, was impossible. His hunger was fierce, but so was hers. She had to assuage it, had to give in to it, had to touch and be touched….
    The lights in the cabin blazed on. The plane rocked one last time, then settled onto a steady course.
    It was all Stephanie needed to return her to reality.
    She gave a muffled cry and tried to break free, but David wouldn’t let her. He clasped her face between his hands, his mouth hot and demanding on hers…and despite everything, the cabin lights, and the voice of the captain assuring the passengers that they were okay, despite all that, she almost gave herself up again to the passion, the intoxication of this stranger’s kiss.
    â€œNo!” Stephanie slammed her fists against his chest, tore her mouth from his. “Stop it,” she said, her voice trembling, and David blinked his eyes, like a man awakening from a deep dream.
    He drew back and stared into the flushed face of this woman he’d met only hours before. Her eyes were huge and glazed; her mouth was swollen from his kisses and her hair had come undone so that dark strands curled lightly around her face.
    â€œYou’re despicable,” she hissed as she twisted away from him, as far as she could get.
    A muscle knotted in David’s cheek. He sat back, his hands curled tightly around the armrests of his seat. Despicable? Crazy might be a better word.
    â€œMrs. Willingham…” he said.
    Mrs. Willingham? He really was crazy, addressing a woman he’d damn near ravaged with such formality. And what was he going to say to her? I’m sorry? Hell, he was not Not sorry, not apologetic, not any of those things because she’d wanted what had happened as much as he had.
    â€œLadies and gentlemen.” The amplified voice of the flight attendant interrupted his thoughts. “The captain has asked me to tell you that we are on our approach to Dulles and we should be on the ground in just a few minutes.”
    A thin cheer of relief rose from the passengers. David felt like cheering, too, but it had nothing to do with having survived the storm. He’d survived something else entirely.
    He was a man who’d known his fair share of women. Okay, more than his fair share, some would say. He was not a stranger to the fever that could flare like wildfire between two consenting adults.
    But nothing like this had ever happened to him before. If the lights hadn’t come on, if Stephanie hadn’t stopped him, he’d have taken her there, in the darkness. In the hot little universe they’d created. He’d have ripped off her panties, buried himself deep in her heat until—until…
    He’d been out of control, and he knew it. And it

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