Accidental Father

Free Accidental Father by Nancy Robards Thompson

Book: Accidental Father by Nancy Robards Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Robards Thompson
what she’d do until the orchestra reorganized and got back on solid footing. There was always a way.
    She just had to remember that when hope started slipping.
    By the time the cab reached the hotel, Julianne had called the airlines and rebooked Liam and herself on a 3:00 a.m. flight out of Charles de Gaulle. The flight-change fees were hefty, but she couldn’t afford not to do it.
    It was close to 11:00 p.m. by the time they got back to the hotel. She’d have just enough time to get up to the room, pack their things and get to the airport in time for the international fight. The timingwould work nicely because Liam was sound asleep. More importantly, Alex would still be waiting at the restaurant for her while she and Liam were en route to de Gaulle. By the time he realized what had happened, she and Liam would be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. Safe. Probably closer to home than here.
    As Julianne packed, she went over her mental checklist. She had to let the others know. She couldn’t just not show up at the airport tomorrow when the orchestra members would be expecting her. She decided she’d leave a note at the front desk to be given to Anita upon checkout. In the note, she’d ask Anita to explain to the group that she and Liam had gone on ahead and—
    A knock on the door startled her from her planning, sending volts of fear searing through her. She glanced at Liam, who was sleeping soundly in his port-a-crib, then back at the door.
    Oh, God.
    The walk to the door seemed to take forever. Her limbs were heavy, like the sluggishness in dreams where you’re running from something horrible and your legs can’t carry you away fast enough. She took a deep breath before she looked out the peephole.
    It was worse than she feared. Not only was Alex standing there, he’d brought several men with him.
    Sheer black fear knotted inside her and her heart slammed against her breastbone.
    Dear God, there was no way out.
    Julianne was trying to run.
    Although Alex didn’t want to believe she’d do such a thing, another part of him chastised himself for not anticipating it.
    He wasn’t angry with her. Even though they were on different sides of this battle. He understood. He’d learned from the Secret Service agents stationed at the theater that the orchestra members had received word that the group was officially disbanded.
    She’d panicked, he imagined. Fight or flight. If he’d been in her shoes, he might have fled, too. He was glad they’d gotten here before she’d left.
    As he stood in the dimly lit hotel hall, surrounded by St. Michel Secret Service agents and hotel security, he knocked lightly once again.
    â€œJulianne, it’s Alex. Please open the door.”
    His request was met with silence.
    Secret Service had flagged her name with the airlines. When she tried to switch flights, officialshad been alerted immediately. The agents had been doing their jobs—and damned well.
    â€œJulianne, hotel security and the Secret Service are here with me. If you won’t open the door, they will unlock it.”
    He shook his head regretfully. This wasn’t the way he wanted things to go. He made sure he kept the knocking to a low rap—loud enough for her to hear it, but civilized enough so that it didn’t scare Liam or cause a scene that attracted onlookers. Luckily, the hotel hallway was empty except for them. For now, at least. There were only twelve rooms on the floor—six across from each other, situated in a wide hallway. He needed this to be resolved as quickly and quietly as possible.
    It had to be frightening enough for her to be in there alone with a small child, let alone knowing there was a bunch of men outside, demanding she open the door. Frankly, he didn’t blame her if she didn’t obey.
    Of course, that would mean that security would unlock it with a master key. “Julianne, please.”
    Alex stared at the

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