Sing Me Back Home

Free Sing Me Back Home by Eve Gaddy

Book: Sing Me Back Home by Eve Gaddy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Gaddy
Tags: Romance, Western
set it down again. “Jack? Are you okay?”
    “Fine.” He sank two more balls, then missed an easy one, because he couldn’t get Maya off his mind.
    Jack hadn’t thought about another woman for longer than a day or two until Maya came back into his life. The sex was fantastic. Strangely enough, that was part of the problem. He and Brianna had loved each other, enjoyed each other, been comfortable with each other. But if he were honest, he had to admit he’d never experienced anything like the white-hot fire that exploded between him and Maya when they came together. That couldn’t last, could it?
    Maybe he was overthinking the situation. He did that sometimes. He should just enjoy what was going on now and not worry about the future.
    “Are you gonna play or what?” Wyatt asked.
    Damn Wyatt for making him think too much. He and Maya were having fun. They enjoyed each other. They enjoyed the sex—who wouldn’t? They cared about each other, sure. That didn’t mean either one of them was ready to commit to anything serious. There was no need to get his shorts in a twist. Especially not over anything his brother said. He took his next shot and missed.
    “Eight ball in the corner pocket,” Wyatt said, and sank it. “Game over, bro.”
    Yeah, he was doing great if Wyatt could beat him at pool. “You’re a sneaky bastard, aren’t you?”
    Wyatt grinned. “Double or nothing?”
    “You’re on,” Jack said, determined to wipe that smart-ass grin off his brother’s face.
    Maya finally reached Jack late that night. At first, she got his voicemail, but before she could hang up in frustration, he came on the line.
    “I’m sorry. Did I wake you? I know it’s late, but I haven’t been able to reach you all day.”
    “No, that’s okay. Where are you?”
    “Los Angeles.”
    She heard rustling. “Sorry, dropped the phone. Los Angeles as in California?”
    “Yes, I had an emergency business trip. My assistant was ill and I had to take over for her.”
    “Do you have to do this often?”
    “Not often, but occasionally. Anyway, I’m sorry it took so long to get in touch. I’ll be home late tomorrow afternoon.” She could imagine him right now, lying in bed shirtless, the stubble on his jaw making him look a little bit scruffy and a lot wicked. She wanted to be there with him. Badly.
    In fact, she’d missed him far more in the hours since she’d left Marietta than she would have believed only a few weeks ago. You’d think she was madly in love.
    Oh, crap. She was madly in love. With Jack Gallagher. Again.
    “Maya? Did you hear what I said?”
    “Sorry. Something about the football game tomorrow night?”
    “Gina is going with Mattie and a group of girls that Gina says includes Carmen. Charlie Guthrie’s taking them and then they’re spending the night at Mattie’s.”
    “I remember now. But Charlie just had them spend the night. Is she sure she wants them all again?”
    “She said since it’s an away game they’d be back late, so they might as well all sleep over.”
    A big smile spread over her face. “I don’t suppose you want to come over tomorrow after I get home?”
    “I don’t suppose I would. I know I would,” he said.
    They talked for a while longer and then hung up. Maya felt giddy. Ridiculous at her age, but that’s how she felt. She hugged her pillow and shivered, thinking about making love with Jack again. And when she fell asleep, she dreamed of him.
    Maya had called Jack from the airport and he was waiting for her at her house when she drove up. Minutes later, he had her backed up against the wall, his hands sliding beneath her dress and hers already wrestling with his shirt buttons.
    Her lips clung to his. His hands were busy unzipping her dress, then pulling it down. He unhooked her bra, pushed her panties down her legs and suddenly she was standing there wearing only her suede platform sandals. His mouth left hers to cruise along her jaw, her neck, heated

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