pick up caught his eye. It read__
The EVONSO VIRUS – The beginning of the ether-tome’s biological incursion, point of origin – Western Africa.
It took every ounce of self-control he possessed not to lift the fourth file and start going through it. Eleyon had said the third; something on his insides told him that it was best he obeyed.
Making his way back to the conference room he saw earlier, he swept one of the skeletons off the chair it sat on and took its place. Placing the file on the dust covered table, he opened it and started to read the four-page report stapled to the front of the file.
Chapter Twelve
Minutes, transcripts and reports taken – Four months residence in B1 Twelve Alpha
President Howard died six months ago. The ether-tome hit the eastern seaboard and quickly spread over half of the country decimating everything in its path. The white house and Norad were one of the first vital structures to get hit.
A quarter of our military installations quickly followed. Vice – President Kyle Stanton survived because he was en-route when the attack came. He was sworn in the instant it was confirmed Howard had perished.
The presidential plane traveled the skies for almost a week and a half without landing, kept in the air by half a dozen refueling jets and escorted by two dozen F-18s. Holdstatt then suggested that the plane should land in one of the four dozen bases still intact but should not stay on the ground longer than forty-eight hours. Vice- President Kyle traveled the globe in this way for almost a month and a half until word was received then that B1 Twelve Alpha had come online.
The world’s military might it was ascertained had been reduced to forty percent of its full strength in less than two months. We called an emergency meeting, beamed and connected by the most advanced and secret communication apparatus developed by the Aziomle franchise; they call it the axiom foundation core.
The world leaders conferred and decided to pool their remaining resources together to fight the ether-tome’s frightening spread. Most like Vice-President Kyle were kept mobile moving from place to place to avoid destruction by the ether-tome’s forces.
Our government revealed to the others the existence of B1 twelve alpha and the coordinates were sent to them so they could congregate here. The military continued counter strikes against the ether-tome. General Holdstatt led and supervised these strikes.
When regular weapons failed, Kyle conferred with his military chiefs on the use of WMDs. While we debated, Russia launched, firing over sixty warheads. The fallout took out almost all of Southeast Asia.
The other countries quickly followed suit. Two billion people around the globe perished instantly. Another emergency meeting was called. There it was revealed that the strikes had proved ineffective. The remaining world leaders were encouraged to quickly find their way to B1 twelve alpha.
Most arrived within the next four weeks. General Holdstatt called in to say that another wave of the ether-tome’s forces were on their way to the location of B1. According to him, they had somehow gotten wind of our secret communications. He requested permission from Vice President Kyle to use WMDs to halt this movement. Permission was given and three dozen strikes were immediately carried out.
It was ineffective. The viability of the earth’s ecosystem was now down to thirty percent. It was glaringly apparent that humanity was facing extinction. Top brass of Aziomle called in to say B1 was humanity’s last chance for survival.
President Kyle demanded to know what B1 could do to halt the incursion of the ether-tome when WMD’s had failed. After much pressure, Aziomle released some highly secret documentation unrevealed until now. This tabled the history of B1 from test phase to actually completion.
Satisfied, world leaders (those that still lived), almost five million soldiers and close to ten million