The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Rebecca Joyce Page A

Book: The Cattle Drive [The Armstrong Brothers of Cedar Creek] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Rebecca Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Joyce
Tags: Romance
Daisy, so much so that it becomes second nature to you, okay?”
    “That’s all you want me to do?” he questioned.
    “That’s all for today. Follow Kenny, and he will get you accustomed to riding. Kenny, take him down by Megan’s Stream and let Henry run Daisy,” she said as she turned Mystic and galloped off.
    “Okay, Henry, let’s go,” Kenny said, with Henry following.
    * * * *
    A couple of hours later, Henry was heading back with Kenny when he stopped and watched Rachael running Mystic. With her hand raised and a lasso in her hand, she threw the rope around a young calf’s neck. She quickly tied the end of the rope around her saddle hook and pulled back on the reins. She jumped down, and before his eyes, she managed to rope the calf’s legs. Stepping back, a man handed her a long branding iron. She took the iron, and with one boot on the calf’s rear, she stamped the hot iron into the calf’s hind end. When she was done, she untied the calf. It got up and ran back to the herd, looking for its mother.
    “Holy crap,” Henry exclaimed.
    “The boss lady is something else, isn’t she?” Kenny said, watching the scene.
    “She does that to all of the animals?”
    “Only the ones she is keeping for breeding. The ones that go to market get their ears pierced with a tag. Come on. It’s getting late, and Daisy is tired,” Kenny said, heading back to the ranch house with Henry slowly following.
    He was putting Daisy back in her stall when Rachael came riding up. She quickly dismounted and handed the reins to Kenny.
    “Henry, follow me,” she said before she turned, walking toward the house. Henry closed the stall door and ran to catch up with her. As she opened the door for him, they entered her kitchen. She walked over and sat at the table.
    “You can sit, Henry,” she said, taking off her boots. “So, how did you like riding Daisy?”
    “My butt hurts in places that I thought would never hurt,” Henry said, slowly lowering himself into the chair.
    Rachael laughed. “Yeah, that can happen for first-time riders. But I asked you in here ’cause I have something to talk to you about.”
    “I talked with your dad yesterday. He isn’t happy with the idea of you working for me this summer. So unless you can get your dad’s permission, I won’t be able to hire you for the drive this fall. Now, you are more than welcome to come over anytime and ride, but as for helping out and learning the ranch, I can’t go against your father’s wishes,” she said, looking the boy in the eye.
    “But I’m almost eighteen. I can do the job. I know I can. I just need to learn,” he begged.
    “I’m not doubting that, Henry, but until your father says yes, my answer is no,” she said, getting up from the table. Henry just sat there, wondering why his dad would say no. “You will have your yes tomorrow, Rachael. I give you my word,” Henry said, getting up from the table and heading for the door.
    “Henry?” Rachael called to him.
    “Yes, ma’am,” he said, turning to look at her.
    “Just be firm and honest with him. Look him in the eye and show him that you are determined, and if all else fails, give him something sweet to eat,” she said, handing him the double chocolate cake she had made the previous night.
    With the cake in hand, Henry left and headed home.
    * * * *
    “So how’s the planning going for the festival?” Michael asked Chris.
    “Good. All the ladies have everything under control. You know the ladies. If there is a party to throw, it’s best for us menfolk to get the hell out of dodge until they’re ready for us,” Chris said, laughing. Michael smiled, knowing how true that statement was.
    “So word around town is that you were some big-shot engineer for Boeing. What made you decide to give it all up and move out here?” Chris asked as Michael handed him a beer.
    “Henry and I needed a change. I grew up on a cattle ranch, Crossfire Ranch in Montana, so I

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