thought since I grew up on a ranch, it wouldn’t be that difficult to farm the land instead of running cattle. Besides, running a cattle ranch is extremely hard work, and I wanted to give Henry the experience of country living without all the demands of running a ranch,” he lied.
“So you picked organic farming instead?” Chris laughed.
“I know, I really didn’t think it through, but we are here now, and I am determined to get the farm up and running,” Michael said, smiling at his guest.
“Well, Mike, I tip my hat to you. Not everyone can just pick up and start over fresh.”
“So tell me something, Chris. What is the story with Rachael? She’s a handful.”
“You’re telling me. That girl has been trouble since the day she was born.”
“So you know her well?” Michael asked, looking for more information.
“You can say that. Rachael grew up in Cedar Creek, and when she was eighteen, she married my brother, Robert. Together they started the ranch from nothing, and after ten years and three kids later, the ranch became a success,” Chris explained.
“After Robert and the kids were killed two years ago last winter, when a semi jackknifed on an interstate in Montana, as you already know, their car exploded. She stayed in intensive care for months. She had to have three surgeries to repair the damage to her,” Chris explained, looking at his beer in his hand.
“I am sorry, Chris,” Michael said, taking a seat across from Chris.
“Since the accident, she works that ranch as if her life depends on it. She doesn’t drive anymore. That’s why she rides. After the accident, she did get into a car, but she tried to kill herself. So her father, who just happens to be the judge of this little podunk town, took her license away, thinking it would help.”
“Did it?” Michael asked.
“Nope, it only made things worse. Sometimes she would get these flashes of the accident. She would get into one of her damned cars and go for a joy ride. You don’t want to know how many times I have had the pleasure of chasing her down. Eventually, she refused to have her license reinstated, but last month, the judge and I got together realizing that we were just enabling her, and concocted a plan. Regardless of how many times she got into one of her cars, I refused to file the statement, so when she had her last court date, her father reinstated her license. Since then, she has refused to get into any of her cars,” Chris said.
“She drove yesterday,” Michael informed him.
Chris looked up at him in shock. “What do you mean? She was driving yesterday?”
“She came after me when I headed toward the quarry, not realizing that the road ended. She flew past me and stopped me before I ended up as hamburger meat,” Michael explained.
“Well I’ll be dammed. She drove. She actually drove.”
“Yep, and let me tell you, if that woman ever decides to try out for NASCAR, I would bet on her for every race,” Michael said, taking a drink of his beer.
Just then, Henry walked in carrying a chocolate cake and placed it on the table.
“Where in the hell did you get that, son?” Michael asked with a chuckle.
“Rachael baked you a cake,” he replied, as Chris spit out his beer across the table.
* * * *
The ranch was busier than ever, and with summer vacation only four weeks away, Rachael had her hands full, sorting out the cattle from those going on the drive and those she was keeping for breeding. There were miles and miles of fences that needed repairing and new ranch hands that needed training. One thing for sure was that she still needed more guys for the drive.
Thinking of what she could do to get more men, her thoughts turned to Michael, that soft, sweet kiss and that orgasmic day in the sun. She could still feel the warmth of his lips on hers. She softly sighed at the thought. His warm hands wrapped around her, gently but firm. Remembering the smell of him sent her head swimming into the