Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]

Free Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2] by Anya Byrne

Book: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2] by Anya Byrne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Byrne
used to the penetration. With every second that passed, he moved faster, harder and somehow always managed to strike Jessie's prostate.
    Gradually, the burn subsided, or rather, melted into something different, a nearly agonizing ecstasy that had Jessie moving with Andreas, impaling himself on his Dom's prick. The lingering pain from the spanking added another beautiful layer to it, driving Jessie wild.
    Andreas grunted and growled in his ear, his dick filling Jessie over and over again, cutting his breath, making him forget his very identity. At one point, Andreas took hold of his hips, stopping Jessie's motions and beginning to pound with even greater speed and strength, claiming him, branding him from the inside out, burning him with his dominance.
    It seemed to take forever, and yet, not long enough. Every single thrust drove Jessie closer to the edge, until he was hovering at the lip at the abyss, so close to orgasm, yet so far away.
    He didn't know how he hadn't come yet, because his entire body vibrated with sexual energy, with hot, bright lust and the freedom that he'd only ever been able to find in his complete surrender to Andreas. And yet, there was one more thing he needed—one last thing he couldn't quite put his finger on.
    His body knew what his mind did not, though, and he tilted his head, offering his submission to Andreas. Mere seconds later, Andreas bit down on his neck. White-hot pleasure-pain exploded through him and just like that, Jessie couldn't take it anymore. Arching his back, writhing against Andreas, he came, his ass tightening around Andreas's prick. Thrusting one last time inside Jessie, his Dom filled him with his spunk, still holding onto Jessie's neck.
    In that beautiful moment, Jessie truly felt he was one with Andreas, that nothing and no one could separate them. The perfection of it made him wish it could last forever. It didn't—it never did—and slowly, the pleasure settled in a comfortable afterglow. Andreas remained inside him for a while longer, massaging his prostate and sending all the right signals to Jessie's libido.
     When Andreas slid out of him, Jessie turned and reached for his lover. He was more than ready for a second round, but he had to remember how to speak first, so that he could communicate that desire.
    Andreas brushed a lock of sweaty hair from his face, grinning. "I've wanted to do that for the whole day," he whispered against Jessie's lips.
    Jessie could do nothing but nod, breathless, his knees like jelly. Andreas didn't kiss him, but he did rub his fingers over Jessie's mouth. "I don't remember telling you to come," he murmured.
    His commanding tone made Jessie shiver, and his cock harden again. Andreas smirked knowingly, but he didn't press his advantage. Instead, he took Jessie into his arms, leaving Jessie's shoes and lower garments on the floor next to the counter. Distantly, Jessie wondered how in the world Andreas had managed to disrobe him completely, but he decided it must be some sort of Dom superpower he didn't really want to think about.
    Dropping his head against Andreas's shoulder, Jessie relaxed. Andreas hadn't even taken his shirt off, but he still smelled so good, so right, just like Jessie remembered. Jessie felt so impossibly loved and safe in his embrace that he wondered how he could have ever doubted it.
    Andreas carried him into the bedroom and slowly set him on the bed. Jessie refused to let go of his lover, biting the other man's ear and whispering, "I hope you're not planning to just leave me like this."
    To Jessie's credit, Andreas shivered. However, he still freed himself from Jessie's embrace, abandoning him on the bed and taking a few steps back. "We have a conversation pending," he said.
    "Can't it wait until later?" Jessie purred. Seeing Andreas there, within his reach, made him so horny it should have been impossible. He reached for his dick, then changed his mind and fisted his hand in the sheets. "I want you to claim me

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