Special Event,
Sexual Advances
Hot Date with the Boss
Chapter 1
Taylor Sullivan was silently cursing herself as she pulled over to the side of the road.
“Great. Just great,” she thought as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She sighed as she looked at the smoking hood of her car, wondering what she was supposed to do. It was her first day on a new job. She had absolutely no idea what to expect, and the fact that her car was acting up was not a very good way of starting the day. She reached for her phone and stared at it, wondering what she should do first.
“ Uber, Triple A … Uber, Triple A…” She sighed. “Uber. Definitely Uber.” She finally decided as she launched the Uber app. She then called Triple A and gave them her location.
She was starting her new job as Zachary Cohen’s personal secretary. It had been almost an entire week since she found out that she was going to be working for Zachary Cohen, the biggest deal since…. sliced bread, probably. Zachary Cohen was every woman’s dream. He was a well-toned, muscular, dark-haired man who, for the longest time, people had known as the face of Cohen Consolidated. The company was involved in almost every industry in Atlanta. Cohen Consolidated was involved in the entertainment, advertising, and media industry in at least twenty states. Apart from that, Cohen Consolidated was a familiar name in the Middle East, where Zachary had invested in various oil companies and airlines.
She had been waiting for almost fifteen minutes before the Triple A truck finally arrived, and lucky too, because it was just seconds before her Uber.
“So how does this work, exactly?” she asked the Triple A driver as she signed the paperwork.
“We will take the car down to the shop and you will pick it up from there,” the driver said. “Haven’t you ever called Triple A before?” he asked, raising an eyebrow over the other.
“No, I never had a reason to,” Taylor started. “I just got this car a few months ago.”
“Virgin,” the driver said, smiling.
“Excuse me?” Taylor almost slapped him.
“No, don’t get me wrong. I mean that this is a first for you,” the driver corrected himself quickly. She forced out an embarrassed smile. “The car should be ready in a few days. Five max.”
“Thanks for coming so fast,” she said, before she walked to the Uber. She could almost feel the driver’s eyes on her as she walked, thanks to the lace burgundy pencil dress she had on that hugged her hips perfectly. She climbed into the Uber and smiled at the driver. “Cohen Consolidated,” she said, as she strapped herself in.
When she finally got to the Cohen Consolidated, she stared up the building. For a minute, she felt like Maria in that scene where she first saw the von Trapp mansion. It was definitely so much bigger than she thought it would be. She took a long, deep breath and walked in. She had to first make her way to the fourth floor so that she could clear the logistics with Human Resources.
When she got there, she looked at a slim red-haired man in a seemingly small office.
“Hi,” she said in a soft voice. “Simon, is it?” she asked as she looked at the name plaque on his desk.
“Yes, it is. And hello, yourself,” the man said in a suggestive tone. “Those shoes are fierce.”
A smiled played on Taylor’s lips. Suddenly the blue plaid skinny pants he had on made sense.
“Thanks,” she said as she waked towards his desk. “Taylor Sullivan. I’m here for Zachary Cohen. I am the new secretary.”
The man raised an eyebrow and smiled at her.
“Really?” he asked as he pulled his chair back and pulled one of the drawers on his desk. “You are lucky number three,” he added as he handed her a file he had pulled from the drawers. “I will need your John Hancock right here. It’s your official contract.”
Taylor looked at him and then signed at the bottom of the page.
“I want to say thanks for everything but I am a little skeptical,” she said as she looked at
Manfred Gabriel Alvaro Zinos-Amaro Jeff Stehman Matthew Lyons Salena Casha William R.D. Wood Meryl Stenhouse Eric Del Carlo R. Leigh Hennig