A Moment of Bliss

Free A Moment of Bliss by Heather McGovern

Book: A Moment of Bliss by Heather McGovern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather McGovern
“She’s a lot more likely to cut you a deal with me there.”
    This was not part of what she’d had planned. Roark was a big, tall glass of distracting, and she needed to focus. Less time around him, not more. She didn’t want to rely on him more than she already did, but if it got her a deal on the best florist in town, she’d be crazy to say no.
    One of his dark eyebrows eased up. “Unless that’s a problem.”
    Why would his help and accompanying her be a problem? If she made out like his joining her was an issue, then it would be. And she was the one with issues, not him.
    â€œI only want to make sure this wedding is the best it can be, for both our sakes,” he said.
    â€œI know. It’s not a problem.”
    They ate their biscuits in silence, Roark glancing at her like he wasn’t quite convinced. True, spending the morning with him was a complication she hadn’t counted on. But it wasn’t his fault she wasn’t prepared to partner so closely with him on this event. She knew the wedding was going to be a concerted effort, but knowing a thing and actively doing the thing were two different things.
    He squinted over at her again, and Madison jumped to a topic to stop him from trying to figure her out.
    â€œDid you leave Beau outside?”
    He shook with an exaggerated shudder. “No. Beau is an indoor dog. He’s up at reception now. Our woolly welcome wagon.”
    â€œHe does have some wild hair.” But she liked it. Beau’s hair was disturbingly similar to hers if she got out of the shower and didn’t do a darn thing to it.
    Roark chewed and nodded. “That’s because he’s a Double Doodle.”
    Her laugh was a half cough of coffee. “A what?”
    â€œLabrador retriever, golden retriever, and standard poodle mix.” He cocked an eyebrow as if to say I know, right?
    â€œI never knew such a thing existed.”
    â€œMy sister found him when Trevor had to have a dog. The mix doesn’t shed and he’s as laid-back as they come. Perfect inn dog.”
    She eyeballed another biscuit, decided what the hell, and doused half of it in honey.
    â€œWhat about you? Any pets?”
    She almost choked again on the absurdity. “No. I—no. I travel a lot with my work. I can’t even keep a houseplant alive.”
    Roark drank his coffee, barely making a sound, his quiet consideration making her skin tingle. It took every ounce of her control not to fidget under his gaze.
    As quickly as she could, Madison finished the rest of her coffee and half of her biscuit. “Are you ready to hit the road?”
    â€œI’m set.” Roark stood, pushing his chair in before helping to pull hers back. “I can drive us into town.”
    â€œYou’ve got the Southern gentleman routine down pat, huh?”
    â€œWhat do you mean routine ?” He sounded more amused than offended.
    â€œThe pulling out of chairs, holding of doors.”
    â€œManners and social graces were big with granddad. I was about twelve when he passed, but by then, he’d already drilled into me how I was to behave around guests and grown-ups.”
    â€œDo you hold doors for male guests and offer to drive your male business acquaintances around?”
    â€œI might.” He wrinkled his brow, but with a playful tone in his voice.
    â€œIf it’s all the same, I’ll drive,” she told him.
    He shrugged like it didn’t matter to him either way.
    That’s how she ended up with Roark in her Audi, his broad shoulder nearly touching hers, his arm taking up all of the room on the center console.
    â€œWe should’ve taken my truck,” he muttered, shifting in the seat. “Not out of some male power-trip thing, but your car is pretty damn small.”
    â€œThere’s plenty of leg room.” Madison fluttered her hand around her neck. “And did you just say damn in my presence?”
    Roark rolled

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