Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)

Free Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) by Rayne O'Gara

Book: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) by Rayne O'Gara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rayne O'Gara
Tags: bbw romance, bbw adult romance, bbw fiction, bbw and detective
some breakfast. I’m starving and we lost the super hottie who was going to cook for us. I sure as heck ain’t doin’ it.” Bronwyne laughs and stands up.
    “Um, can I get dressed first maybe?” I say sarcastically, in a non-mean way.
    “I guess,” she sighs long and loudly, pointing to her own generous curves. “But hurry. I’m gunna shrivel up and blow away,” then bursts into laughter after a not very good attempt at keeping a straight face. “And maybe a shower? You have dreadful sex hair.”
    “How do you know what that looks like?” I ask.
    “Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t know what just-had-all-night-long-awesome-sex hair looks like, I’m not an idiot.”
    Her long floor length gypsy skirt swishes as she walks away. With a flick of her brown and blue hair and sparkling nose ring she’s gone, leaving me to my privacy.
    Jumping into the shower and setting a record, I leave my hair wet and go to get dressed. The best thing about short hair is little prepare time. A quick hand tousle and I’m good to go, today at least. Forgetting about make-up for the day, I slide into a pair of ass hugging jeans and a loose white blouse with an elastic waist. I love clothing that extenuates my assets. I may be ‘bigger than average’, okay, a lot bigger, but I love my body and I am not ashamed to wear what I like. I keep trying to rub off my philosophy to Bronnie but she’s just not ready to go there yet. A work in progress.
    Seeing me in the hallway, Bronnie jumps off the barstool and grabs her purse from my couch.
    “About time, let’s go!” she says enthusiastically. I barely have time to slip on my black ballet flats before my upper arm is in her grip and I’m whisked away out of the door.
    Thankfully the diner we frequent is open early and only a few blocks away from my place. We make good time and are seated instantly into a side booth with the tabletop between us. No need to look at the menus, we already know what we want and order with our drinks. The sun streams through the window and warms my face. The slow hustle and bustle noises soothe me and I drift further into my mind.
    “So have a plan yet?”
    “Huh?” I ask distracted.
    She snickers and I focus on her intensely.
    “Do you. Have a. Plan yet?” she reiterates slowly.
    Not trying to even pretend I don’t know what plan she talks of, I shake my head.
    “Well, if you tell me what you fought over…maybe I can help?”
    There’s my soft-hearted sister. She never likes to see people hurt or sad. Always tries to do everything in her power to help. Like she did with me. I love her so much and worry about her so much at the same time.
    “Yeah. I don’t know what I’m going to do or say,” I answer and thank the waitress for bringing our drinks. Unwrapping my straw, I start to play with my floating ice.
    “He thinks I used him. That he is my dirty little secret.”
    A shocked gasp comes from Bronnie.
    “And what did you say to that?”
    “What!? But that’s not true. Why say nothing? Why make him believe it’s the truth?”
    “I didn’t mean to,” I groan out. “His words took me by surprise. I just couldn’t spit out my own words. Now he hates me. I really was a complete and total bitch to him this time…and I didn’t even mean to.”
    “Well shit,” she grumbles before taking a drink of her own soda.
    “Yeah. Exactly.”
    “Okay. We have all day and night to get your words right. And whether you say them or write them down in a note for him to read tomorrow you’ll tell him the truth.”
    Oh good Lord.
    “Pushy much?” Where did this forceful side come from? Maybe I am rubbing off a little. Makes me a little proud.
    “You want this fixed, babe?” she asks softly in an almost whisper.
    Do I?
    Pictures of him flash through my head. Him smiling. His kisses. Him inside of me. The sweet morning snuggles. Then of him leaving me. Never seeing that personal ‘I got

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