Murder in Jamaica: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 3)

Free Murder in Jamaica: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 3) by Penelope Sotheby

Book: Murder in Jamaica: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 3) by Penelope Sotheby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penelope Sotheby
than happy to keep the position open for you until further notice. Just let me know when it works for you and I will pull all the strings I need to. That way, you’ll be a part of my force.”
    “You are too kind.” Anna smiled.
    “I wouldn’t call it kind.” Detective Mueller laughed. “You not being a detective would be a grave injustice. You have a very sharp eye and you will be able to help us solve countless crimes in the future. I know you will.”
    Anna smiled and nodded.
    “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” Anna asked. “I have a spa appointment and I am going to savor every moment of it.”
    Detective Mueller laughed. His laugh was warm and his attitude was very different from a few days ago when his harsh eyes and cold voice had hurt Anna deeply. Now, she was glad she had someone she could trust who saw the value in what she was able to do. For that, she couldn’t be happier.
    As they approached the door, Detective Mueller stopped her. “Are you sure you are ready to run the show?”
    “You mean you are going to let me interrogate him?” Anna asked.
    “Why not?” Detective Mueller asked. “You are the reason we are here right now. I think it would give you some good practice and some insight into the process. I would be honored to have you lead this. If you want to, you go right ahead.”
    Anna smiled brightly and nodded. “I would love to do this. Thank you so much!”
    With that, the Detective Mueller pushed open the door and they entered the room. They were more than ready to finally wrap things up.

Chapter 10
    Anna looked at Harvey, who was sitting down across the table from her. His head was bandaged after the paramedics treated the head wound Pauline caused with the baseball bat. Anna knew her relationship was strained with Pauline, but when push came to shove, she was comforted in knowing her friend would still be there to watch over her.
    “Harvey,” Anna began. “You know why you are here, don’t you?”
    “Because I assaulted you.” Harvey snapped. “Even though you shot that man in the banquet hall.”
    “The gun fell and it misfired, killing him.” Anna shook her head. “You almost killed me. You assaulted Mica before that and you assaulted your wife. You also lied about a break in and robbery in your room. You are the one who caused all that damage. You even cut your hand on the mirror when you hit it.”
    “So, you got me.” Harvey laughed. “Go ahead and file your assault charges against me. I’ll get a good lawyer and be out before you know it.”
    “You committed murder.” Anna snapped. “You killed three people. Assault is the least of your charges.”
    “Oh?” Harvey asked. “Who did I kill? Where is your proof?”
    “You know.” Anna replied. “You killed Quentin, Heath, and Courtney. There’s no point in denying it. We have proof you were the one who committed the murders. Mica already exposed you. She told us about how you were jealous of the two men having an affair with your wife.”
    “If that was my motive, why is Courtney dead?” Harvey smirked.
    “Because you didn’t realize it was Courtney at the time.” Anna continued. “When you found her in the spa, you likely just glanced and assumed it was her. Mica and Courtney were almost identical. The only way I was able to tell them apart was their eye color. Plus, Courtney had put on the rare perfume Mica wears. So everything fit together and it led you to believe you were killing Mica.”
    “She died of a drug overdose.” Harvey scoffed. “The police found a syringe in her arm.”
    “No, we didn’t.” Detective Mueller replied. “She had track marks, but we didn’t find a syringe.”
    “That’s not possible.” Harvey sneered. “I left it in her arm.”
    Slowly the color drained from Harvey’s face. It dawned on him that he had just incriminated himself.
    Detective Mueller looked at Anna, confused. She knew she had to think fast and not get herself in trouble

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