Riding Danger (BBW Biker Romance)
on her, his concern boiling over. “Listen to me, Piper, it doesn’t matter what I told him. He’ll add it up somehow. It’s Alec that’s put him on my trail, and he won’t let that trail grow cold. He’ll find me and I won’t put you in danger. I want you to pack a bag and stay with a friend for a while. Or I’ll get you a hotel room until this blows over and they know I’m not with you anymore.”
    “You can’t just leave like this!” she exploded, panic rising like bile in her throat. But as she spoke, her phone rang, and she frowned as she saw the number on the caller ID. “Just wait a minute.” She picked up the phone. “Hello?”
    “Hey girl, have I got some news for you.” Carrie’s voice was full of excitement and mystery.
    “It’s really not a good time, Carrie. I’m in the middle of something.”
    “Well, put it on hold because I have to tell you a couple of things.” Now she sounded serious, and it raised all sorts of red flags. “Listen, I have an amazing date. Well, actually, it’s not confirmed yet, but that sexy cop who came in a few days ago to talk to our gunshot victim came back in today and gave me his card. He told me to call him so we can have a drink in a couple of days.”
    “Wait, which one?” Piper asked, her heart dropping to her stomach.
    “The Latino one with the nice ass.” She laughed. “But anyway, he came in to see me and to ask about you and the gunshot guy. You know, the hot thing that signed himself out? He’s probably going to try to come in and talk to you in the next couple of days, see if the guy happened to tell you where he was in such a hurry to go. He said the guy just sort of disappeared, and he’s a big witness in some case they need to talk to and that you were the last person to talk to him. So if he comes by when you’re working, let me know. I’m sure he’ll probably ask for me.”
    “Alright, Carrie. I’ll see you at work.” She hung up and turned to Jace. “The local police are looking for me to try to track you down.”
    Jace cursed under his breath. “Like I said, you need to lay low for a while. You can’t be seen talking to the police just in case anyone looking for me is watching you.” He started to continue, but this time, it was his phone that went off. He cursed again and looked at it, a sinking sensation in his stomach. “Hold on,” he told Piper as he answered on what was likely the last ring. “Hello?”
    “I assume you’re looking to make some sort of deal, Mr. Dawson,” Jason Morris sounded almost amused. “Why did it take you so long to call me?”
    Jace grunted. “Oh, come on, Morris, you have to know I’ve got more than just you guys hunting me down. My own brotherhood wants me dead, not to mention other biker clubs. And by now, someone’s probably gotten word out to the fence and the supplier so they’re trying to find me, too. I had to bury myself where I couldn’t be found. I didn’t have time to call you.”
    “Interesting. By the way, how did you get this number? I only left my direct line with a nurse at the hospital.”
    Damn , he thought. He didn’t have a good answer for that. How did they overlook something so important?
    “Dawson? I’m pretty sure I can guess. That nurse at the hospital seemed awfully sympathetic. Whether you knew her before or not, I think she might have found a way to help you out. Now, you can come talk to us, or we can hunt her down and question her, maybe charge her with accessory to a crime. I don’t think you want that to happen, do you?”
    Grinding his teeth, Jace said, “I don’t need your threats, Morris. Remember, I called you. We just need to find a safe place and time, and I need to know that if I answer your questions, I’ll have immunity.”
    “That’s a pretty tough order if you’ve been buried deep in this smuggling ring all this time. I might be able to get reduced charges for you.”
    “Not good enough, agent. Think it over and let me know when

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