to admit that she had been turned on while watching him. There was something about him, going all alpha-male and saving her life, that heated her insides.
Ty unbuckled her from her chair and pulled her into his arms with great care. She took comfort in his embrace and hugged him back fiercely. She had come close to losing him, and she wasn’t ashamed to let her feelings show.
Ty stood there for a long moment, just enjoying the feeling of having Lacy, once again, in his arms. He had been completely focused during the chase, but now his mind kept conjuring images of Lacy in Voro-Anim’s hands. He and Kor would have been killed and eaten, but a female like Lacy… There would have been a much worse fate in store for her.
He held her tightly as he realized how close he had come to losing her. She let out a small squeak and he immediately relaxed his hold, pulling back and giving her a sheepish look.
Somehow, in the very short time that she had been with them, she had worked her way into his heart and become vital to his life. He had expected to feel apprehensive at the notion of falling in love with the Earther, but she wasn’t just any Earther. She was his Earther.
His thoughts were interrupted by a beeping coming from a small transmitter on his belt. He pulled it off and was surprised to see that the Med Unit was communicating that it had finished running the analysis on Lacy’s blood.
“What is it?” She asked, trying to read the transmitter, upside down.
“The results are in.” He said. There was trepidation in his voice.
He and Kor had been searching the galaxy for nine years in the hopes of finding a race that save their people from extinction. Lacy’s DNA was the best lead that they’d ever had. He thought he’d be happy at that prospect, but his mind was overwhelmed with concerns about the future.
If she was compatible, would he and Kor be allowed to stay with her when they arrived on Arath? Would his people treat her with the respect she deserved? Would they take care of her?
He had an overwhelming urge to hide her, in a safe place, so no one could get close enough to cause her harm or heartache, but he knew such thoughts were pointless. He had to put the needs of his race before his own, even if that meant transporting her to Arath and leaving her there. That’s what he’d do.
Lacy was trying to think of why Ty could have such a forlorn look on his face. A moment ago he was holding her, and all seemed fine, but now he looked dejected. Was it the results? Was she not a match? Oh god! What would happen to her if she wasn’t a match?
She hadn’t thought about it before, but the men would have no reason to keep her around if she was no good to their race. What would she do then?
She felt the panic growing in her chest and she had to beat it back down. She refused to let Ty and Kor know how much the idea of leaving them pained her. She just had to hope that, if the time came for them to leave, they’d at least find a decent planet for her to live on. She succeeded in forcing back the tears that wanted to well in her eyes and took a step back from Ty who, of course, noticed the change.
Kor saved her from having to say anything. “Well, aren’t you going to go check on the results?”
“Yeah… I’m going.” Ty finally said.
Kor stared, perplexed, at Ty’s back as he walked out of the Command Center. He had looked upset about something and, at that moment, Kor wished that he had Ty’s intuition. He looked at Lacy to ask her, but saw her sitting in the chair and staring at her console with the same sober expression.
What have I missed?
Since the battle ended, he had been focused on checking the shuttle for damage and setting in a new course to avoid any further problems. He didn’t want Lacy or Ty anywhere near trouble again and wanted them safely aboard the Adastra, as soon as possible.
Clearly, he had missed something important.
Checking to make sure that
Charity Santiago, Evan Hale