if the shuttle’s shields would hold until they got close enough for his plan to work, but seeing no other options he muttered, “It will have to do…” and sped the shuttle off in the direction of the system’s only sun.
Ty gave him a look of concern, but strapped himself into his seat and didn’t say anything.
The Voro-Anim apparently had no intentions of ending the hunt quickly because when they got close enough to open fire on the shuttle they didn’t aim for pertinent systems, but instead hit random areas of the shuttle’s aft compartment.
“Feels like they’ve got a trainee at the weapon systems.” Ty commented while the attacks continued to have little effect.
Kor assumed that Ty was right. “They probably see us as easy prey and are using it as an opportunity to let their less-experienced young practice.”
Kor continued on the trajectory towards the sun, only weaving slightly to let the Voro-Anim think he was still trying to evade them. They were getting so close to the sun that the interior of the shuttle was starting to heat up The environmental controls were not able to keep up with regulating the intense temperature.
“Are you alright Lacy?” Ty asked.
“Oh, I’m just dandy. But could one of you please turn on the AC for me? Or pass the sunblock, I’m starting to burn over here.” She replied sarcastically.
Kor glanced over his shoulder at her to make sure she wasn’t actually burning, but other than a flushed face she seemed to be alright.
“Tell you what,” Ty said, “when this is over I’ll get you the biggest glass of cold water I can find. How’s that sound?”
Kor blocked out their banter to focus on his plan. The sun’s gravitational pull was already making it difficult to maneuver the shuttle so his timing had to be precise.
The ship shuddered with a direct hit and Kor guessed that the seasoned warriors had taken over the weapon’s controls. They were probably starting to get concerned about their ship’s proximity to the large flaming ball of gas.
The shuttle lurched with another direct impact and Kor diverted more energy to the shields to protect his engines that were in the rear of the vessel.
When the pull of the sun became too dangerous, and the Voro-Anim had not given up the attack, he fired the Electromagnetic Pulse Beacon, which he thankfully outfitted all his ship’s shuttles with. The pulse hit the ship directly, and on the vid-monitor, he saw the ship’s exterior lights shut down.
He turned the shuttle abruptly away from the sun, while the Voro-Anim’s ship continued on its collision course, straight towards the sun. Without any power, they would be unable to change course or momentum, and they would continue to plunge towards the sun until they were destroyed.
Kor turned off the main vid-monitor when it was clear that the Voro-Anim had no hope of averting their fate. He didn’t think that Lacy needed to witness more than she already had.
Lacy stared transfixed at the blank vid-monitor that, moments ago, had showed the Voro-Anim ship heading straight for the massive yellow sun. She knew that Kor had somehow disabled their ship and that they had no hope of surviving. She felt a moment’s remorse for the creatures that would be burned to death by the sun, but then she remembered what she had read about them. She remembered what they would have done to her, Ty, and Kor, if they’d had the chance.
Ty knelt at her side and, when she looked at him, she saw his expression of concern. “Are you alright, little Lacy?” He asked. His fingers stroked her sweat-soaked hair.
She took a deep breath. “I’m okay.” She said nodding confidently. Now that they were headed away from the sun, the temperature inside the shuttle was almost back to normal and she could breathe without the suffocating heat.
She looked over Ty’s shoulder, towards Kor, who was still seated in his chair, inputting commands. He had been brilliant during the chase. She had
John R. Little and Mark Allan Gunnells