all the controls were in place, one last time, he unlatched his restraint and walked over to Lacy, kneeling in front of her. She looked forlorn, sitting staring at nothing.
“We’re going to be ok?” She asked in a small voice.
Kor looked at her for a moment longer before replying, “Yes, everything is going to be fine. We’re on our way to rendezvous with the Adastra. We should meet them by tonight.”
That seemed to get her attention, and she sat up straighter. “So soon? I thought we would get there tomorrow?”
“That was the plan, but with Voro-Anim scouting in this part of space, I want to get us out of here as soon as possible. I’ve already sent instructions to the Adastra to head in our direction and meet us.”
“What will happen then?” She asked.
Kor took a moment to think about his answer. “Then I will protect you, like I have since the moment we walked away from that slaver. Meeting up with my ship and crew will not change that. It will not change how I feel about you.”
Lacy kept repeating Kor’s words in her head. It will not change how I feel about you. What had he meant by that? Was he saying that he had romantic feelings for her, or that he felt like she was his responsibility?
She couldn’t help but hope that he had attachments to her that went beyond his sense of duty to his people. She had to admit to herself that it scared the hell out of her, but those two men were becoming the most important people in her life.
Not just because they had saved her and that she was completely dependent on them. They made her feel protected and cherished, they made her laugh, and also happened to give her the best sexual experience of her life. She felt like she was falling hard for the two Arathians.
She looked over at Kor as they made their way to the shuttle’s kitchen. They had decided that they could all use a good breakfast. Amazing sex and evading death, apparently, worked up an appetite, and Lacy’s stomach agreed. It let out another rumble as they entered the kitchen and Kor headed to a control panel.
He hit a series of buttons and started listing off the food that was available. Lacy had no idea what any of it was so Kor made the selections. A drawer slid out of the wall and inside were all of the ingredients he needed. She watched his hands, which were a blur of movement as he began cutting, mixing, and heating various dishes.
She was mesmerized by his fingers and hands that had felt so good on her body, but had also displayed the same speed and competency at the ship’s controls.
Her core began to throb as she remembered how wonderful Kor and Ty’s hands had felt, as they had run them over her skin, preparing and tormenting her, before pumping in and out of her tight body. She tried to shift her legs slightly to ease the ache she felt in her body, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Kor’s head whip up and around to face her. The breath left her lungs at the arousal she saw in his eyes. Had he detected her arousal?
He set the food and tools down before moving towards her. She backed up a couple of paces, not wanting to evade him but she was overwhelmed by his behavior. She’d never been the recipient of such a naked lust.
The choice of standing her ground or fleeing was taken from her by the arrival of Ty. He looked from one to another, taking in the scene, and Lacy could tell he was trying to decide whether or not to interrupt.
Apparently his excitement would not be overshadowed because he exclaimed, “She’s a match. Her DNA matches ours.”
The three of them stood in place for a few moments before Ty strode across the floor, took Lacy into his arms, as his mouth took hers in a passionate kiss.
Lacy let herself melt into the embrace and the rush of Ty’s kiss. Her blood immediately heated and she kissed him back eagerly. She felt Kor press against her back and she reached one arm around to hold his head while he
Charity Santiago, Evan Hale