Dancing With Raven (The Young Shakespeareans Series)

Free Dancing With Raven (The Young Shakespeareans Series) by S.G. Rogers

Book: Dancing With Raven (The Young Shakespeareans Series) by S.G. Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.G. Rogers
pretend the humiliating debacle of her SBT audition hadn’t mattered so very much. Saltare had been cruel and scornful, and she still felt the sting of his dismissal. But he couldn’t take away her love of ballet, no matter what he said. I still admire Saltare’s ability and achievements, but I shouldn’t have put him on a pedestal. I’ll go on, somehow.
    After the final reverence , Tori glanced toward the observation area. Raven rose and came to meet her outside the classroom. Deborah and Jenny stared at him, wide-eyed, as they passed by.
    “Tori, you were amazing,” he said.
    A flush of pleasure. “Thank you. Can you wait for me while I change?”
    “I’d be happy to.”
    In the dressing room, her fingers flew as she untied her toe shoes.
    “So what’s that all about?” Jenny said. “Is Raven your boyfriend?”
    “Er…not exactly.”
    “They were sucking face before class.” Kirstin spoke loud enough for everyone in the dressing room to hear. Tori suddenly found herself the focus of attention.
    “It was a sweet kiss!” she retorted. “We weren’t making out or anything.”
    “If he’s not your boyfriend, what is he?” Deborah asked.
    “He’s her consolation prize for missing out at SBT,” Kirstin said.
    Gasps followed her words, and Tori flinched. “I wouldn’t want to be you for anything in the world, Kirstin. You’re as mean as a snake and not as sexy.”
    The dressing room erupted in laughter. Kirstin stuck her nose in the air and flounced out.

    While waiting on the sidewalk just outside the studio, Raven went over his resolutions. I’m determined to be detached, reserved, and measured toward Tori. She needs a guardian angel, not a besotted admirer. Nevertheless, when she emerged from the doors, his resolve evaporated.
    “Here, let me get that.” He reached for her dance bag, which she relinquished with a puzzled expression.
    “Not too many men offer to carry things for me,” she said. “You’re kind of old-fashioned, aren’t you?”
    “If you mean I was raised with manners, then yes. I hope you don’t mind.”
    “Actually, it’s…refreshing. My car is just over here.”
    After she opened her trunk, Raven stowed the bag inside.
    “Thank you. Um…I owe you an explanation for that kiss,” she said.
    They stood only a few yards away from Ventura Boulevard. The road noise was so deafening, he had to raise his voice to be heard. “Can we go somewhere quieter to talk?”
    “How about inside my car?”
    Raven hastened around to the driver’s side to open her door. As he slid into the passenger side and pulled his door shut, he breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s much better.”
    “You really are a gentleman,” she said.
    “My mum would be happy to hear that. She’s in London, with my stepfather.”
    “Do you like him?”
    Shrug. “He’s all right, I suppose. He’s a bit of a bore, really.”
    “My parents were both killed in a car accident about ten years ago. I live with my foster mother.”
    His surprise was feigned, but his sentiments were sincere. “I’m sorry to hear about your parents. How terrible for you.”
    “Yes.” Tori bit her lip. “Um…listen, I asked you to kiss me because Kirstin and her mother were walking past.”
    “Is she the girl with the—” he caught himself before he said the word imp “—sour face?”
    “That’s the one. She hates me and I don’t like her much either. Anyway, it was immature, but I wanted her to think we had something going on. I used you and I apologize.”
    “No apology necessary.” He chuckled. “I sort of had words with her insufferable mother during class.”
    Tori’s eyes widened. “What?”
    “She was crowing about her daughter. I told her you were the most talented dancer in the class and I couldn’t wait to see what wonderful things the future held for you.”
    A tear slid down Tori’s cheek. “Thank you for that. The thing is, I’m not certain there’s a place for me as a classical dancer

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