Let Me Love You

Free Let Me Love You by Amy Davies

Book: Let Me Love You by Amy Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Davies
his fingers. My breathing hitches and he knows I’m close. “Let go, come for me baby. Let me hear you say my name, Tally.” I can feel my body starting to stiffen. James sucks my clit harder and that’s enough for me.
    A bolt of lightning runs through m y body as my orgasm takes over. ”James..” My body bows off the bed, my breathing ragged. My orgasm runs on and on as James continues with his thrusting fingers. It finally stops. James covers my body with his.
    “ Fuck baby, you came beautifully. I so need to make that happen again. You game?” I smile, trying to get my breathing under control.
    “Are you going to make me come like that every time we have sex? Well, if there is going to be other times.” We both know that I have overcome my first hurdle and in my heart, I’m glad that it’s happened with James. Even though I haven’t known James that long, I feel strangely safe with him. It’s not something I felt with Dean. A full blown all-American smile sweeps across his face.
    “Every fucking time baby . And yes there will be way more times.” He winks at me. I pull him to me and kiss him, my tongue tasting my juices from my orgasm on his lips. He smiles. “You taste good, don’t you?” I nod and I feel shy again. “You okay?” He asks me in a sweet gentle voice.
    “I’m good James. Now are you going to make me come again or just sit there ?” James eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
    “Wow, who are y ou have what have you done to my Tally?” My heart swells when I hear him say ‘My Tally’. Am I his now? Am I his girlfriend? I reach down and between my legs to James belt and start to undo it; he suddenly shifts and stands next to my bed. I look up into his dreamy blue eyes. I shift so that I’m kneeling on my bed in front of him. I undo his button and zipper, pull his jeans and boxers down the same time, and his cock springs free. James steps out of his jeans and boxers and kicks them to one side. He is stroking himself and it’s making my body hot again. Why is it such a turn on to see him pleasure himself? I look up at James and he smiles.
    “May I?” I ask him and James knows what I want.
    He smiles a wicked smile an d nods. I take James in my hand. He is soft, warm, and hard all at the same time. I kiss the tip of his cock and taste the small bead of dew at the tip. I kiss his whole shaft. James breathes deep. I look up at him through my lashes and he is still smiling, so without taking my eyes off him I take him fully in my mouth and I suck slowly and softly at first, savouring him, but I pick up the pace and James starts to moan and thrust himself into my mouth. ”I have dreamt about fucking your mouth, having your soft lips wrapped around my hard cock” He tastes so good. I low growl releases from James’s throat and he suddenly picks me up and pushes me back down onto the bed. “Condoms, do you have any? I need to be balls deep inside you now baby.” I point to the top drawer and James removes a small square foil packet. He sits up and opens the pack, the whole time, never taking his eyes off me for long.
    Before I know it , James is back resting his body on mine. Supporting his weight on his elbow, he kisses me, his tongue invading my mouth. He stops and smiles “That mouth is such a beautiful mouth and it’s all mine. No-one will get to kiss these lips but me, you understand?” It hits me like a double decker bus. I suddenly feel panicky again, it’s like Dean is talking to me. He told me I was his and no-one would ever touch me again. James kisses and I pull away slightly, James looks at me all confused. “What’s wrong? Have I hurt you?” I shift from under him and pull my knees up to my chest.
    T ears slowly take over my eyes and roll down my cheeks.
    “I don’t think this is a good idea James. I … I ,” I can’t finish my sentence. James places his hand on my forearm and I flinch away.
    “God Tally , I’m not going to hurt you, you know this. Don’t let him

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