Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence

Free Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence by Thomas Jenner, Angeline Perkins

Book: Kellie's Diary: Decay of Innocence by Thomas Jenner, Angeline Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas Jenner, Angeline Perkins
heard Dan say something about moving all the people to a new place.  Michael said that we needed to learn how to grow our own food, and Dan said that it didn’t work last time…
                  I don’t know why those two argue so much.  Almost every day it’s something different, but this time they got a lot louder.  Then some other people started yelling at each other, and they kept talking about there not being enough food.
                  Then some guy said he was going to cook Lydia’s cat!  I stood up so I could go stop him, but then I heard Sarah getting mad at him!  When I looked outside she was getting REALLY close to his face and yelling louder than I ever heard.  She told him he was acting crazy, and that if he touched the cat she would beat the... “f” out of him.
                  Ms. Taylor came back inside and tried to get us back to the math lesson.  I didn’t care too much anymore, I was really worried about Sarah and Lydia.  I think everyone’s been getting mad a lot lately.
                  Then we heard guns!  Ms. Taylor went back outside, and didn’t come back for a few minutes.  Jimmy went outside next, and then he told the rest of us to come out.  We all followed him and we saw this BIG truck driving in through the gate!  We saw a few shooters on top of the gate and they were shooting outside the fence.
                  When the truck got inside they closed the gate.  Chris and Howard came out of the truck and said that they had food!  Lots of cans of food, enough to last months or even longer!
                  A little while ago everyone had a really good dinner together, kind of like a picnic.  It’s the most we’ve all eaten in a really long time.  And you know what Barbie?  Even though I still hate tuna, that was the best tuna I’ve ever had my whole life.  There were also some different kinds of vegetables and those little canned sausages.  I never really liked those either, but I guess I was so hungry that it actually tasted good.
                  Everyone looked like they were in a better mood after that.  Lydia got to eat a lot too, and that mad me really happy.  She gets really sad when she can’t eat, and she also gets worried when Kitty doesn’t eat.  I don’t think any of us will have to worry for a long time now, not about food anyway.
                  Kitty is sitting in my lap right now.  She usually doesn’t do that.  Normally I have Mr. Floppy right there, but I guess they’re sharing the spot.  As long as Kitty doesn’t hurt Mr. Floppy, it doesn’t bother me.
                  I’m feeling really full, so I think I’m going to go to sleep now.  Looks like Kitty is sleeping, so I have to move her back to Lydia’s spot.

Chapter 28
    June 19, 1995
                  Barbie, I think I’m in big trouble.  I thought a few days ago was bad, but I think today might be even worse.
                  Tommy got bit!  He was playing that stupid game with the other boys again, jumping through the hole in the fence to the outside!
                  It was after lunch time, and I was taking a walk with Mr. Floppy.  I saw Tommy, Max, Richard, Jimmy and a few of the other boys over in the back corner where the broken wood is.  I kept saying they need to tell somebody about the hole, but then they said they’d blame it on me if I told anyone!  I’ve always hated boys, but it’s times like this I really hate them.
                  So they were taking turns crawling through the hole and trying to see who can go out the furthest without getting scared.  Same old dumb stuff.  I go over there and watch them, and I told them how stupid they are, but they just ignored me.
                  Tommy looked around and then looked at me, then jumped out.  Then the others said he went all the way

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