The Suicide Project (Rebirth Book 1)

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Book: The Suicide Project (Rebirth Book 1) by Yazz Ustaris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yazz Ustaris
the story wasn’t true. As if! He’s not even that cute! Anyway, I guess he felt his reputation was on the line,” Sam sighed in agitation as his story picked up speed.
    “Brandon jumped me one afternoon as I was walking home from school. I lived near a park and that’s where it happened. He pulled me off the street and into the park so that cars driving by wouldn’t be able to see what was going on. He had three of his friends with him but they just stood there and watched as Brandon kicked and punched me. I was lying on the ground in the fetal position trying to protect myself as best as I could, but Brandon was just too strong. I remember being in a lot of pain. I don’t know how much time went by, but I must have passed out. The next thing I remembered was waking up in the hospital.”
    Seeing the misery in Sam’s eyes was just pissing me off even more. If only I could have five minutes alone in a room with this Brandon jackass, I’d love to give him a taste of his own medicine. Don’t get the wrong idea…I don’t consider myself a bloodthirsty chick by any means, but when it comes to the people that I care about, I am definitely not one to be messed with. Patting the empty spot next to me, I practically begged, “Sam, please come sit next to me again. Please?” I wished that I could take away his pain because it was obvious to us all that it was emotionally taxing for him, having to delve into his past like this. Meekly, Sam sank back into the cushions next to me. He allowed me to grasp his hand again, so I gently rubbed my thumb over the back of it in a soothing circular motion. A few tears escaped and started to flow down his cheeks as he picked up where he left off.
    “In the hospital, I remember opening my eyes and seeing my whole family there standing next to the doctor. Simon looked upset and I could tell that he had been crying. When I looked at my parents they just looked cold and detached as usual. The doctor told me that I had a broken nose, a fractured jaw, a cracked rib, a split lip, and a black eye, along with a countless number of bruises.” I was horrified at the number of injuries Sam suffered and I couldn’t help it when my eyes started getting watery again. Making eye contact with Jamie, I saw that she had been silently crying. Her face was shiny with her tears, and even though she clutched a Kleenex in one fist, she didn’t use it to wipe her face. I think she forgot she was fisting it.
    Sam’s voice cracked as he exhaled a shaky breath and added, “My doctor said I had been in the hospital for two days already. Given enough time he said he expected me to make a full recovery from all of my injuries. When he was done discussing my long road to recovery, he walked out of the room leaving me alone with my family. He was the only one who showed me kindness that day. Instead of offering sympathy, my parents yelled at me and told me it was what I deserved for flaunting my homosexuality around town. My mom said that if I’d only agreed to talk to the pastor of our church and attend Bible Camp, “the problem” would be solved and I probably wouldn’t get beaten up again. Simon practically begged me to go. He said that if I went, then maybe we could go back to being a “normal” happy family again.”
    Sergeant Ramsey extended the box of Kleenex to Sam who grabbed a few and took a moment to blow his nose. “What hurt the most was when Simon said that it was emotionally exhausting for him to live in the house when the tension was so thick between me and my parents. He said his grades were starting to drop from having to live in a dysfunctional household. He threatened to move out of the house if my parents and I didn’t bury the hatchet and make peace with each other. His plan was to move in with my aunt and uncle who lived in the next town over, but that meant he’d have to transfer to a different school and leave all his friends behind.” Sam dabbed at his eyes as he quietly

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