I Brake For Bad Boys

Free I Brake For Bad Boys by Lori Foster

Book: I Brake For Bad Boys by Lori Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Foster
hard, but he wasn’t the least bit timid about it either. His nose pressed into her plump breast and she smelled so good he was already breathing hard.
    Her body arched and her hands knotted in his hair. Ian tugged, using his tongue to tease, to flick and lick. Then he sucked some more until they were both shaking.
    â€œThat’s enough,” she whispered, but without much insistence.
    â€œNot yet.” He moved to the other breast. “Gotta be fair.”
    â€œTo you?” she asked on a sigh.
    â€œTo these.” And he kissed her right breast with the same enthusiasm. Within moments, Erica moved against him, her belly nudging his chest, her legs shifting with the need to get nearer. He stroked her shoulders, down to the small of her back, and finally over her firm cheeks, kneading and plying the resilient flesh, helping to grind her against his body.
    When she was all but lost, he hooked his thumbs in her panties and pulled them down her legs. Leaning back, he looked at her. Her green eyes were smoky with desire, her nipples wet from his mouth, her whole body quivering. With one finger, he stroked the silky black curls on her mound, up, down, pressing in just the tiniest bit until he felt her small, taut clitoris. She groaned.
    Jesus, she was the most appealing woman he’d ever seen.
    And she was his.
    He stood and scooped her into his arms; at the same time, Erica hugged him, pressing her face into his throat. “Where are we going?” Her voice was deep, affected by sexual need.
    Regret stung him, but he didn’t head for the bedroom. Not yet, he told himself, not just yet. “You’re going into the tub and I’m heading to the kitchen.” His voice was unusually gruff.
    She jerked her head back. “What?”
    Lowering her into the now tepid water, he said, “Relax. Soak. When I’m done with the dishes I’ll help you wash then dry you off and give you a massage.”
    The water level was high, all but covering her except for her breasts and rosy nipples. He turned away, ignoring her slack-jawed surprise while struggling to contain himself. He would have liked to whistle, but his mouth wasn’t working right at the moment and no way could he pucker.
    Just as he reached the hall, he heard a furious splash, followed by a soft moan of dismay. He had her right where he wanted her.
    Unfortunately, she had him in the same position.
    Only she didn’t know it, and he did.
    Erica scrubbed herself with a vengeance. Let him help? Ha. She’d let him rot, that’s what she’d do. He’d had his chance and he’d walked away. She’d been willing, damn it. Willing and needing and . . .
    The problem, at least to her mind, was that when he got near, she couldn’t seem to remember that she was the boss. She just went all soft and female. She hated going soft and female.
    It made a woman weak and left her open to misuse.
    She didn’t have enough fingers and toes to count the men who had used and discarded her mother. Her mother would give a man everything—her heart, her home, often even her paycheck. And eventually he’d leave her, devastated and financially broke. They’d had to struggle so many times because of the scoundrels that her mother had grown fond of.
    Erica prided herself on being different. Unable to accept her mother’s lifestyle, she’d gained her independence early on and she protected that above all else. She said and did exactly as she pleased and never would she let a man dictate to her.
    Yet Ian had only to touch her and she lost herself.
    She needed to rethink this whole thing. Really, what was it she wanted? She lifted one finger: Ian naked. That would be very sweet on the eyes, not to mention how much her hands—and her mouth—would love it.
    She lifted another finger: Ian making love to her. Yes, that would be heavenly.
    A third finger went up: Ian at her mercy.
    As if a

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