Dark Sword 05: Shadow Highlander

Free Dark Sword 05: Shadow Highlander by Donna Grant

Book: Dark Sword 05: Shadow Highlander by Donna Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Grant
away from the tree and started for Nessa’s cottage. She didn’t stop until she stood in front of her door. The door opened almost as soon as Reaghan knocked.
    “Reaghan,” Nessa said, shock in her voice. “Is everything all right?”
    “Aye. I wondered if you could spare a few moments?”
    The elder motioned Reaghan inside. “Of course. Is it the pain of your head which troubles you?”
    “Nay,” Reaghan lied. “I find myself curious about Galen and Logan. I always thought we were the last of the Druids. Yet they say more are out there. I wonder how many.”
    Nessa shrugged and sat at her table, an empty trencher in front of her. “It’s hard to speculate.”
    “But you have to wonder.” It was a chance she was taking in making Nessa admit her thoughts, but Reaghan had to do it so Nessa would know she couldn’t lie to her.
    Nessa frowned. “Trying to determine just how many Druids are still left in Scotland isn’t something anyone can do except maybe Deirdre.”
    Reaghan seized the opportunity and sank into the chair opposite Nessa. “This artifact Galen seeks that they say is in our village, why have I never heard of it?”
    “It is something we keep private and divulge to only a few.”
    “There are only twenty-three of us left. How few do you need?”
    The elder shook her head and looked away. “Why do you want to know about this artifact?”
    “Because I’m curious. Because I’ve been living here for ten years and knew nothing of it. How is that? Do you not trust me?”
    Nessa laid a hand atop Reaghan’s. “We do trust you, Reaghan. You are one of us.”
    “If you trusted me then I would know of this artifact. It has to do with my memories being gone, doesn’t it?”
    Nessa looked away again, which was answer enough.
    “You won’t tell me, will you?”
    “I’m afraid not,” Nessa replied.
    Reaghan pulled her hand out from under Nessa’s and stood. She hadn’t expected to come away with all the answers to her questions, but she hadn’t thought to leave without some kernel of information.
    “I will leave you then,” Reaghan said.
    She left before she said something she would regret. For so long she had considered these people her family, the ones who would always be there for her.
    What had happened in her past and the memories that were closed to her? Had she done something terrible? Her mind raced, imagining scenario after scenario. She thought of the worst and tried to picture herself taking someone’s life.
    There was no way she could have done such a thing. But then again, she didn’t know the person she had been before the fever.
    Before her memories were taken from her.
    Reaghan’s mind was in a whirl of chaos. For an instant, she felt as if she might break into a million pieces, her heart wrenched from her body.
    And then she heard it, the sweet, lilting melody.
    Oftentimes they were able to hear the music coming from MacIntosh Castle. The sounds carried swiftly over the loch, making Reaghan almost feel as if she were in the castle herself.
    She let herself drown in the music, let it quiet her battered soul. The melody from the flute was one of her favorites, and it never failed to seep deep into her bones.
    Reaghan forgot her agitation, forgot her anger, and walked toward the loch. What better way to ease her soul than listening to such splendor?

    After leaving Odara’s, Galen wandered aimlessly before he found himself once more at the loch. He told himself it was because he loved the quiet beauty of it, not because he was searching for Reaghan.
    But he knew it for the lie it was.
    He didn’t want to fight the attraction, the deep yearning that tugged at him. If he didn’t battle it, he would end up touching Reaghan, and then everything would shatter when he saw into her mind.
    Reaghan deserved better. Her mind shouldn’t be violated, her secrets shared, her innermost feelings exposed for him to see. She was too pure, too exquisite to be marred by what he

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