Tanked: TANKED

Free Tanked: TANKED by Cheri Lewis

Book: Tanked: TANKED by Cheri Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheri Lewis
the movies or stores.”
    “They’re made to look like a part of your house. You know, like architectural details.”
    “Oh, I guess that means whoever it is won’t know we have cameras up now so that’s good.”
    He gives me a slight smile and I realize that when he smiles he never fully smiles, he only smirks a little with the left side of his mouth. It is kind of sexy.  We walk in through the back door and I can’t help but smile when Jessie turns around and points and mouths, “Oh my gosh” at his superhero showing him how to work my alarm.  I put my hand over my mouth to keep from bursting out with laughter when that superhero turns and eyes Jessie for a long moment like he has lost his mind.  Jessie smiles brilliantly at Alexander and shrugs.  There is no telling what that man thinks of Jessie.  
    I look at Tank then my eyes follow to where he is pointing which is at a picture of my parents. “You hid a camera in my parent’s picture?”
    “No, look beside it.” I walk to the sofa table that is pushed against the wall and study everything. 
    “I don’t see anything different.”
    He walks up beside me, picks up my iPod docking station and points to a little place in the plastic that lit up to tell you it was charging or connected, I don’t remember which one it was, but now it’s neither as I guess now it’s a camera. I look up in surprise, “That’s a camera?”
    “Yes, it has full view of the back door.” He set the docking station back down and says, “Follow me.” I follow him into the foyer and he says, “It’s not really original but there is a camera right here in your plant.”
    “I have a plant?”
    “You do now.” I study the large potted plant with the large green leaves; I reach out and stroke a leaf. “Don’t worry, it’s fake.” He assures me.
    I smile at him as I say, “That’s good because you just saved its life.”
    His face falls slightly and he looks down at the plant. “The plant’s life has been saved twice then.” I study him in confusion but something tells me to keep my mouth shut and not ask questions. 
    The Thor lookalike walks around the corner with Jessie hot on his heels “Sunshine, I’m an expert now.  It’s not hard, I’ll show you.” 
    I nod at my best friend then look up at the man towering beside me “These are good cameras, and you have a decent alarm system now monitoring your home. It’s wireless so nobody can cut the phone line to cut the service.” I swallow hard at the thought of somebody trying to cut the phone line to keep me from calling 9-1-1. “Tank can answer any questions you have about the system if Jerry doesn’t remember.” Jerry, who’s Jerry?
    The look on Jessie’s face is priceless then it dawns on me he means Jessie and it totally helps lighten my scared mood. Jessie immediately corrects his mistake. “It’s Jessie, and how rude was that.”
    I swore I see a flash of a smile cross the large man’s face but I get the feeling he doesn’t joke much.  His phone rings and this time there is no denying what’s on his face. It instantly goes soft and when he answers, “Hey, Tiger.”  I don’t know how but I could tell in those two words, whoever is on the other end of that phone is his entire life and right now I would give anything in my life to be “Tiger.”
    He nods at Tank. “My ride’s here. We good?”
    “We’re good,” Tank replies.
    We all watch as he walks out the front door without saying a single word.  After the door shut Jessie sighs, “How hot is that, to be called Tiger?”
    Then we both look at Tank in surprise when he informs us, “He’s got six kids.”
    Jessie shakes his head. “Oooo, that’s a deal breaker.”
    “Like you ever had a chance.” I smile a snarky smile at him.
    All three of us look at the front door when the door bell sounds. I pull my phone quickly out of my pocket and it is 12:42. Crap it’s my parents . “It’s my parents! You can’t be here, they

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