Tumbleweed Letters
do my best to lessen the initial pain, Sophie Catherine. I hope you know me well enough to realize I take no pleasure in hurting you.”
    She’d only met him yesterday, yet she did trust him. She scooted across the bed and brought the covers to her chin—a chin that chattered so hard with cold and fear he had to hear it. Her gaze kept dropping to Cam’s swollen appendage, wondering how she was going to take it all in. Saints preserve me, I’m going to be split in two. He’ll have to bury me in two graves.
    After he slid under the quilts, he leaned over her. One calloused finger trailed down her cheek and across her trembling chin. “Relax.”
    A kiss light as butterfly wings touched her temple. “Relax,” he whispered against her ear, and she shuddered.
    He nuzzled her neck below her ear, and she sighed. “Relax, my beauty.”
    Kisses gentle as an angel’s touch pressed against her eyelids and her fists uncurled. “Relax, sweetheart.”
    Then he covered her lips with his, and his hand slid to her neck. While he did scandalous things to her lips and mouth, his thumb made slow circles on her throat.
    He was taking his time, she’d give him that. Carefully and sweetly he tortured her with kisses and touches. Her body and mind gentled and enjoyed. Sighs and whispered words of praise filled the air while he slowly initiated her body to his touch.
    “You’re going to be mine, Sophie Catherine. Mine.”
    She wanted to tell him he sounded like Eli, but the languid state of her body made speaking impossible. By turns, he kissed, nipped, and licked her neck and shoulders. Her restless body writhed beneath the quilts, seeking something unknown.
    When his mouth found her breast, she thought she’d died and gone to heaven. A gentle kiss followed by a swirl of his tongue brought her nipple to a peak. “Beautiful. You’re so beautiful, sweetheart.”
    Although his trained mouth created new sensations, it was his praise and terms of endearment that enchanted her. Tommy’s groping had been rough and uncaring. Cam’s leisurely enjoyment of her body made her feel important, desired, cherished.
    When he drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, her response was so intense, so mind-numbing, her hands went to the back of his head, pressing him further into her breast. “Don’t stop. Sweet Mary and Joseph, don’t stop.”
    He chuckled and continued his current method of sensual torture. His broad hands swept to her waist while she wrapped her feet around the calves of his legs, trying to anchor him to her.
    “I’m going to rub my hard-on over you. Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to enter you yet, not until you have your release.” He raised himself on his elbow and held his member in his hand and rubbed it over her privates, settling on a spot that made her moan when he touched it.
    “Re…release? Women can have a release, too?”
    “Would it be fair if you didn’t? If I didn’t take the time to help you soar to the stars, would you want to do this again?” He began making slow circles around a certain spot with the end of his hard-on. “Look at me, sweetheart. Let me watch your beautiful eyes while I pleasure you.”
    Cam’s voice was deep, intimate and languid, just as his effect on her. Although her eyes were focused on his, her mental focus was on that part of him touching her, torturing her, taking her higher and higher. Her belly coiled tighter and tighter. She was reaching for something, if she only knew her destination. Even so, the sensations he created, with his slow rubbing of a spot she never knew she had, held her captive.
    “Yes, sweetheart. Tell me what you want.” He never stopped rubbing over her spot, circling it, teasing it.
    “I…I can’t say it out loud.” Of all times, with a naked man on top of her and her nipples puckered from his sucking, she was blushing.
    “I’m your husband, Sophie Catherine. You can tell me anything.” Sweat beaded on his forehead. His

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