Perfect Love (A Celestra Novella)

Free Perfect Love (A Celestra Novella) by Addison Moore

Book: Perfect Love (A Celestra Novella) by Addison Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Moore
her throat. “You are insatiable .”
    “Yeah, well”—I dive into her with my lips—“you make me that way.” I trail a string of kisses across her chest. “I think this time it should be all about you.” Every moment since we’ve met, the focus of my world has been on Skyla, and it makes me want to give her this even more. I was offering my tongue up as a simple act of worship. I want nothing more than to lay my love for her down on the altar.
    “Sounds perfectly greedy of me.”
    “Trust me, it’s my pleasure to serve.” I slide my way down her body and pull her legs over my shoulders. Her feet cross over my back, and I drink down the sensation.
    “Logan wait,” she gives it in a heated whisper. Her hand trembles as she tries to pull me away, but I interlace our fingers and give a warm squeeze, assuring her I’m right where I want to be.
    I tuck a kiss between her legs in that sweet spot before she can protest, and her head snaps back to the pillow.
    “Are you sure you want to do this?” The words vibrate through her like a song.
    “No—I’m positive.” I give the hint of a wicked grin before bowing into her body and landing my mouth right where it’s wanted to be for so damn long. A groan rips from my throat as I take in her metallic sugar. My tongue runs a lap over her slippery flesh, taking in her wetness. I push in with slow, meandering kisses, sucking her folds between my lips and lounge there just rolling my tongue over her gentle as hell. Skyla tastes like honey, delicate, soft and sweet as powdered sugar. I’m pretty sure I’ll die content now. If I were drawn up to paradise right at this moment, I’d have a satisfied smile on my face as I entered those pearly gates.
    My testosterone surges. It bows to her estrogen as Skyla consumes me in this sweet fire. As horrifically shallow as it sounds, this is the icing I waited for. Skyla has a way of reducing me to the most primitive form of life, and the only real goals I had for myself were being met right here in this bed. It’s a truth buried in most males, their biggest desires, the highlights of their beings are often met between the legs of a beautiful woman. But Skyla isn’t simply some beautiful woman. She’s my everything—my soul mate. We are one giant heart, built for two.
    I continue to love Skyla that way for a good long while before working her into a frenzy with the heated lashes from my tongue. Her knees sway over my back, anxious and hard as her breathing picks up pace. I ride up and down until she gives everything she’s got in one heated cry that whips around the room like a siren. Her body quakes and jolts. But I keep at my viral assault until she pushes her hand over the top of my head and lands me near the footboard.
    “ Logan .” Skyla pulls me up until I’m holding her again. She’s shivering, so I pull the blanket over us, and we fall asleep—happy as hell, if only for a little while.

    In the morning a seam of intrusive light cuts through the windows, and I pull Skyla in close before burying a kiss in her neck.
    “Morning sunshine,” I whisper, soaking in the moment. Here we are, husband and wife in this temporal window of time. This is what it would be like waking up with Skyla in my arms, day after day.
    Skyla turns over with a grin blooming on her face before she ever opens her eyes. Her hair is rumpled, her mascara smudged, and my stomach drops because just when I didn’t think she could any more gorgeous, she does. A twinge of sadness pinches in my gut because I wish to God I could witness this every single day for the rest of her life, God knows mine is over.
    Her lids flutter until her crystalline eyes focus on mine. “I love you.”
    I brush my finger over her cheek, and a smile tugs at my lips. “You beat me to it. I love you, too, princess.”
    “I think we should start every day with those words.”
    I lean in and kiss her. “I agree.”
    Her eyes widen as if she caught herself.

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