Destiny's Choice

Free Destiny's Choice by Kimberly Hunter

Book: Destiny's Choice by Kimberly Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Hunter
and table, your meal and soft music. And most of all, us. Just us and our beginning. Can you give that to me, Roan?”
    “Our beginning. I like that.” His smile was full of joy as he held her close, his erection pushing against the soft silk against her stomach. “Of course, since this will be our first time together, I will defer to you. But after, well, after, I’ ll make sure to give you a memory that will never fade .” His lips then crashed down on hers, taking what was left of her breath.
    Surrendering to Roan’s kiss, Rivera let him devour her. She clung to him, needing, for the moment, his strength and utter dominance over her. It felt good. The kiss was deep and masterful with just a hint of roughness. The kind of kiss to get you revved up and wanting. She couldn’t wait to acquire more.
    When the kiss finally ended, they were both breathing heavy, the scent of musk, pine, and roses were heavy in the air. Her hands wandered lightly down his chest as she stepped out of his arms.
    “I’m glad you’ll defer to me this first time. I think it makes this night even more special .” She gently tapped her fingers against the erection trapped behind his zipper. ”But I do want to take my time.”
    “Rivera,” he gasped.
    “ I hope we’ll both be shouting to the heavens before the night is over .” Giving the tent in his pants a light squeeze, she moved away, went to the first place setting, and sat down as a growling moan filled the room.
    Several moments later, Roan followed, taking the seat next to hers. His eyes held a brighter glow, his jaw clenched, and expression tight. His smile was genuine though as he served them both and poured two glassed of red wine. But Rivera could detect the faint scent of uncertainty again. It was subtle, letting her know that her True Mate was a little uneasy about not being in total control of their First Mating. It probably didn’t he lp that she was being more aggressive now that she knew he would be in her control . Not surprising, really. Being Alpha, Roan would be more dominant than any male in the Pack. He would have to be to keep everyone in line. Having that control taken away and yet needing to be claimed by his True Mate was no doubt making him feel a bit un-balanced. She sympathized, but that still wasn’t going to stop her from taking him.
    They ate in companionable silence. The tension buil t slowly between them with each bite of food and sip of wine. When the meal was finally over, Rivera was near vibrating, and her thighs were slick with arousal. But she helped him clear the table and put everything away and in the dishwasher. That done, she left him to blow out all the candles then went to the bedroom. Turning the covers back, she waited by the bed. She didn’t have to wait long. He stiffly came to her side, his face unreadable, body tense, and the scent of his emotions were too jumbled together to sort through. He was adorable.
    “Rivera – .”
    “Shh.” She laid her palm against his warm cheek. “I’ll take care of you, alright?”
    His lightly glowing gaze searched hers for a moment before he nodded, the tension finally leaving his body.
    Giving him a tender smile, she began to undress him. Each article of clothing was slowly peeled away; the warm skin it revealed was kissed and caressed, licked and fondled. When he was finally nude, she couldn’t help the deep moan that escaped. He was a work of art.
    The glimpses she caught at the waterfall and watching him get dressed after was nothing compared to the glorious male before her. She let her hands wander over what seemed acres of tanned skin covering hard and cut muscles. Her lips nipped at a hairless chest, stopping at each nipple to give them a reverent kiss. Going lower, she found his treasure trail, following it down to the true prize. A very hard cock that wasn’t too long but nicely thick. When she tried to wrap her fingers around it, they didn’t touch.
    “Oh, God,” Roan

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