Soul Surrender

Free Soul Surrender by Katana Collins

Book: Soul Surrender by Katana Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katana Collins
smooth forehead, and he pressed his lips together.
    â€œI don’t know. Why on Earth would you ruin the life of the woman you love by damning her to Hell?”
    He rolled his eyes and stuffed two hands into his pockets. “Not this again.”
    â€œWhy you little—”
    I lunged just as two arms caught me around the waist, lifting me off the floor. Damien bear-hugged me from behind. “Okay, Monica, enough! This isn’t going to help get Lucien back.”
    â€œBut it will make me feel a shit ton better!”
    â€œCome on, Buckley. Cut the crap and tell us what you know,” Kayce said.
    He looked first at Kayce, then at me. “I’m telling the truth. It was just a simple disappearing trick—I haven’t the slightest idea where he went.”
    â€œWell, let me tell you what I know,” I said, shoving Damien’s hands off my body. “You wanted me in that box. You wanted me to disappear. And considering there’s a hefty price tag on my head right now, I’d say that might have landed you in the spot of ‘number one suspect.’ ”
    â€œI’m telling you, I had nothing to do with this.”
    Damien took a couple steps forward. “Walk us through today. Did anything out of the ordinary happen?”
    Buckley seemed to think about that for a moment, then shook his head. “No. It was a normal day. I slept late. Enjoyed the, er, company of one of my angels.” He shot an apologetic look to me, and I rolled my eyes. “Then I had dinner here at the casino and came in for my first show.”
    Oh, my Hell. Mia—I didn’t even get to tell Lucien about the Queen information. “Wait, last night—Mia came here, didn’t she?”
    Buckley looked startled but regained composure quickly. “Yes. But that’s nothing out of the ordinary. I have ArchDemons, Queens, and even ArchAngels checking on me constantly. They like to ensure that my operations are kosher, if you will. In fact . . .”
    Jules thundered through the door, Adrienne at his heels and San Michel right behind him. Time slowed to a crawl as Julian—my angel mentor, my friend—stopped in his tracks, light blue eyes locked intensely on my own.
    â€œMonica?” His whisper was hoarse, and after clearing his throat he tried again. “Monica.” This time it was a statement, not a question, and his blond wavy hair tousled as he shook his head.
    I needed to talk to Jules. Needed to ask him about what Mia and Claudette had said. Not only about me becoming Queen but about Claudette seeking out Drew. My eyes widened, and I only hoped that after all these centuries he still knew me well enough to read my body language.
    Straightening his shoulders, he stole a quick glance at the other angels in the room. Upon verifying their attention was on Buckley, not him, he twitched a nod. It was the sort of movement that, had you not known Jules, you might have thought was simply a tick.
    â€œAhhh, back so soon?” Buckley’s eyes flashed as they bounced from angel to angel.
    I immediately slinked back behind Damien at their grand entrance. San Michel was particularly unnerving. Considering he was the angel that was supposed to have approved my relationship with Buckley in the first place, all those years ago. And he was the leader of the council in charge of banishing me after we caught Carman. My face blazed with heat.
    He towered over the rest of us—easily standing taller than six foot five. Though his wings were invisible, I could hear the slight rustling from his back, feel the gentle breeze created by the movement.
    San Michel’s ice-blue eyes fell on me, and even though every ounce of me wanted to avoid that glare, I was powerless. Against my will and better judgment, I brought my gaze to meet his. His stare was cold, arctic—eyes so pale, it was as if he were looking at me through a block of ice. “Monica.” My name rolled

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