Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series)

Free Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series) by Evangelene

Book: Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series) by Evangelene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evangelene
to him and me.
    There was music and song and lots of wine. They had fires going with various animals being cooked. I think by this time most of the men were drunk. As I approached, Leonidas stood up and the music stopped. The men stopped singing and everyone’s eyes were on me. I swallowed hard and continued towards Leonidas. He walked down the stairs and took my hand and helped me to the top. He turned to his priests for their blessing, when the ceremony was over.
    “She was given to me as a gift from the gods. A wife suited for a king of Sparta, even the gods had challenged her and she won. There is no greater gift than a wife as beautiful as she. This is your queen, Psykhe the daughter of the great hero Nikephoros, who is equal to his talent. You must swear your allegiance to her.” Leonidas said proudly. A great roar came from the crowd, followed by cheers. I lowered my head and bowed. Now I was truly happy.
    Leonidas reached for both my arms, “You’re not wearing your arm bracelet?” He asked smiling. I looked at Cynisca and glared. “It’s ok.” Leonidas laughed. He held out two new bracelets, he had made for me, these ones were far more beautiful and intricate than the one the first one. “These you’ll were on special occasions.” He slid them onto my arms marking me as his.
    He motioned for me to sit, but I shook my head. “What is it?” He asked.
    “I am not only a good fighter. I’m also a good singer, so let me entertain you.” I smiled nervously. Leonidas grinned and extended his hand let me go. Cynisca guided out the musicians and dancers my father had sent me. “I realize that I don’t know many Spartan songs and dances, but at least enjoy the songs and dance of my people.” I was waiting for his response.
    “Now I’m really excited.” He leaned in and kissed the top of my head. “Show me what my wife can do!”
    I walked over to the musicians and dancers as everyone readied themselves. But before I could begin a strange man, about the size of Dienekes, appeared. He was ushering two donkeys that carried large pots of wine.
    “I’m sorry to intrude, but I was passing by and heard that the great king Leonidas of Sparta was getting married and I with too much wine decided to share some. I don’t mind entertaining you all if you wish so I may also have a meal.” His features were dark. He had a well kept beard and his hair seemed clean. He did not wear the same clothing as a Spartan. So I thought it strange that a man like him would appear here. Only men with very little tried to scam meals at banquets.
    Everyone waited for Leonidas’ reply. “Athenian I am too happy to argue. Come and join us. Regale us with some stories of Athens and lets us drink from your wine.” Leonidas waved in him over. The man bowed in thanks.
    “Here is my wine, may you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.” The stranger smiled confidently. Leonidas signalled for his men to take the wine.
    “What is your name, Athenian?” Leonidas asked.
    “My name kind king is Dio. May I ask if this beauty is your queen?” He pointed at me and smirked.
    “Yes, but do not point at her she may find it offensive and attack you.” Leonidas answered joyfully.
    Dio walked over to me and offered his congratulations. I looked at him with suspicion. It didn’t fit. He smiled and walked over to the bottom of the stairs and sat there. He was given a plate of meat to eat with a large cup of wine.
    The musicians started to play the songs we practiced and the dancers began to dance. Cynisca joined in while Eupolia hesitated and chose to stay out. I chose a few songs to liven up the banquet. As the dancers cleared the way, I sang my heart out and the men cheered. I made sure that I danced a little more sensually. Leonidas had stopped what he was saying and began to pay attention to me, but so did Kleomenes. I chose to ignore him, my singing was only meant for Leonidas. I wanted him to be proud of me and of what I could

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