Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series)

Free Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series) by Evangelene Page A

Book: Memoirs of an Immortal (The Immortal Series) by Evangelene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evangelene
    When one song ended, another began, by the end I had got the crowd to join in the fun. They danced with the dancers and began to get a little wild. When the final song ended, Dio walked over to me and asked “May I join you for the next song?”
    Leonidas didn’t seem concerned by this which irked me a little. I wanted for him to be a little jealous, but I think he felt safe knowing how I felt. He asked that the musicians play a certain style that appeared to be simple enough for them to understand. He began to sing and they started to play. I guess my part was coming up, but I had never heard this song before.
    Dio looked at me and without missing a note I began to sing my lines. I felt like I could see the words. I didn’t know what was going on. But in the end everyone had cheered.
    I must have looked concerned because Dio, who was next to me, said under his breath.
    “So not only can you fight, but you can sing to. You are quite a creature. I cannot wait until we meet again.”
    I turned my head, surprised at what he had said.
    “Who sent you?” I accused. He just smiled.
    “I wanted to celebrate your wedding.” He pouted. “Come on now, don’t make that face. I didn’t come to make a scene nor to cause you heartache. Rest assured Psykhe, I’m your ally, now smile and act happy. I really don’t want Leonidas coming after me.” He warned.
    By now I was getting a little fed up by these events. I didn’t want these occurrences to keep interfering in my life.
    “Is it possible that I can ask you some questions or at least talk to you about all this?” I asked.
    “Of course let us sit down first I’m famished and I need a drink.” He proceeded to walk me to where he was sitting. The Spartan musicians took over and the night continued.
    The music was loud enough so that I didn’t have to whisper. “Who are you?” I started my questioning.
    “My name is Dio. I thought you heard.” He answered while eating.
    “Stop playing stupid and tell me how I would know to sing those words?” I asked pointedly.
    “Simple.” He drank his wine and continued, “You have a skill, but you still need to practise it. Your father didn’t tell you?” Hearing him speak about my father surprised me.
    “Do you know my father?”
    He was still very nonchalantly eating, like nothing we were saying was important.
    “Personally? No, but I have heard the stories. If the stories were not greatly exaggerated, your father was a great fighter. Then again he did have an upper hand.” He said while sucking on a bone.
    “Why are you all so cryptic?” I hissed. I was so angry that I banged my hand on the stairs and the jug that was next to me had flown to the floor. Leonidas looked over and so did Dienekes.
    “Don’t make a scene, I don’t like getting angry.” Dio said without flinching. “I realize that this is really not the best time for my appearance, but I wanted to join in the fun. I figured at least one of us should be here to see you get married and let’s face it I am the most fun out of all of them.” He resigned in his belief of himself without giving me what I wanted.
    “Ok fine! Don’t tell me anything, but could you at least tell whoever else to stop playing with my life. I can’t live my life thinking of what might happen next.” I pleaded.
    “That is life, Psykhe, at least for the mortals, anyways. Life is unexpected and for some it is boring while for others it is scary. So how will yours differ?” He asked.
    “I didn’t ask for a lecture on living. If I wanted to ask I’d seek a philosopher not a drunk. I just don’t want anyone meddling in my life. Does that not make sense to you or are you too drunk to understand me?” I spat out.
    “I understand. It’s just that you seemed to be so much fun that I wanted to get to know you before anyone else did.” He said sincerely. “Fine no more appearances, no more interference. Ok?” He waved his hand. He finally gave me my answer I was

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