smiling even wider, and glancing down.
“I like having you here, even though it’s been not even a half day since we saw each other again.”
She groaned and let go of his hands to cover her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Had he said something?
“Nothing, well, I just can’t believe I had sex with you so easily.” She looked up at him through the veil of her lashes, but gave him this sweet smile. “It must be this effect you have on me, because I don’t just hop in bed like that.”
“Good.” He all but growled out the word. He didn’t want her doing that with anyone else. Jacks didn’t want another douche touching her how he just had. Pushing those thoughts away because he was actually getting pissed over them, Jacks reached out for one of her hands again. “Call your folks and tell them you’re staying here tonight, if you haven’t already.” He grinned, needing desperately to just hold her, preferably with no clothes on. “Because I’m not ready to let you go.” He’d never be ready to do that, but he wasn’t going to say anything about that right now. They just needed to be next to each other, and she’d see how much they were perfect for one another.
“Yeah?” The way she said it had this little mischievous tilt in her words.
“Yeah.” He noticed the way she glanced at the door, and he was sure she was thinking of Zoe. “Don’t worry. There is a spare room down the hall. It’s all hers. No one will bother her. Believe me when I say the rest of the band would kick anyone’s ass that tried to mess with her.” He brushed a lock of hair off of her cheek. “But call her so you don’t worry. I’m sure she is still with Beats. He won’t let anything happen to her.”
She nodded. “ I know he wouldn’t, but I’ll call her just to make sure she is okay and knows that I’m staying over.”
The fact she was staying had a smile covering his face. He probably looked like an idiot, but once again he didn’t give a fuck. “We can we just sleep, Tanner. I promise all I want to do is hold you, and in the morning we can try and figure all of this out.” He needed to run his idea by the rest of the band, because although he was pretty sure they would be cool with it, what he wanted was a big decision and they needed to be okay with it, too. He stayed back while she called Zoe, talked with her for a minute or so, and then disconnected the call.
“She’s talking with Beats in one of the other rooms.”
He nodded, and Tanner was the one to lead them to the back master bedroom. Once inside, she walked into the center of the room while he stayed by the door. After five years of living this life he was used to the lavish and posh surroundings that came with being in Savage Light. Seeing the wonder in her face as she looked around at the rustic, yet lavish accommodations made him feel like it was all those years ago when the band had just gotten signed. The money, fame, and everything that came with that life surrounded them to an almost drowning level. It was an almost high feeling that filled him as he continued to watch her, and when she turned around, and they stared at each other once more, he knew that he fucking loved this girl, and would until he took his last breath. He may be young, but it was the kind of soul searing, air being sucked out of his lungs kind of love. It was just that chemistry someone felt instantly when they found The One .
“I’ve really missed you, Tanner.”
She took off her shirt once more and let it fall to the ground. “And leaving like I did was the worst mistake I have ever done.” Next to go was her bra, and when those large mounds became free of their restraints, they jiggled and shook until his cock started to harden again painfully. “And I wish I could take it back, because I was young and stupid, and missed out on telling you that I loved you.” She slipped her pants off. “I still love you, Jacks.”
She could tell him that over and over again,
Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson