Save My Soul

Free Save My Soul by Elley Arden

Book: Save My Soul by Elley Arden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elley Arden
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
breath bounced against his hungry lips.
    He knew he should be glad that one of them had the presence of mind to end the insanity. Still, he found himself releasing her amid swirls of disappointment. “Maggie, I … ”
    â€œDr. Collins.” She took two steps back and bumped against the utility sink.
.” He shoved a hand through his hair. “It doesn’t matter what I call you, I’m still going to struggle with things.”
    â€œBecause you think I’m a promiscuous flake?” Fine lines stacked on her forehead, and the edges of her soft-leather eyes dipped.
    â€œI never called you a flake.”
    â€œBut you think it. I can tell.”
    â€œAnd you think I’m close-minded and evil, which doesn’t sit well with me. Then again, I’ve given you ample reason to think those things. Correct?”
    She dropped her head and pinned her eyes to his chest. “Just because a woman doesn’t wear a bra doesn’t mean she’s promiscuous.”
    The corners of his mouth lifted. “Understood. And just because a man is serious and inclined to ask pointed questions to which he expects specific answers doesn’t mean he’s evil.”
    Maggie raised her head. “Of course.”
    He was right, but so was she, and she was also … beautiful. Dangerously beautiful. The kind of beautiful that made men do crazy things. Jordon was right there on the edge, ready to jump when she told him to, and that was why he wanted her — needed her — to be flaky or promiscuous. Either characteristic helped him rationalize his behavior. Flaky meant he could continue to convince himself that he couldn’t stand to be around her. And if flaky failed to keep him in line, promiscuous meant if things went too far, there would be no negative repercussions, no guilt for his actions.
    But after watching her take genuine care of Carlos and after holding her in his arms, Jordon knew without a doubt, Dr. Maggie Collins was neither flaky nor promiscuous, and he was in serious trouble.

    Maggie couldn’t sleep. She missed her bed. She missed her mother. And she had no desire to spend another night tormented by a possessed arachnid.
    The anger she felt for Jordon earlier in the day chipped away at her spiritual foundation, but that was nothing compared to the jolt of electricity she felt in his arms. Visions of his dark body sprawled across the iron bed filled her weakened mind.
    She tried meditation. She tried chanting. She even spent ten minutes in a head stand, hoping to dump thoughts of him from her brain.
    Pulling the soft bedding over her body, she gave in and contemplated the peculiar situation. Crystal raised Maggie to be free in word and deed, which meant Maggie thought what she wanted to think and did what she wanted to do. Sometimes she wanted to have sex with men who simply stirred her desire. But never with a man like Jordon.
    He was dark where every other man she’d been with had been light. And he was paying her — a lot — to do an important job, a job that provided her with enough money to finally achieve some stability in her chaotic life. Sleeping with him served no other purpose than to scratch an itch, and that simply wasn’t a good enough reason to risk mental, professional, and spiritual health.
    She threw the blankets off and filled with shame. Jordon’s talk about promiscuity must have bothered her more than she realized. Sitting and twisting her legs over the edge of the mattress, she decided wearing something to bed in someone else’s house was more respectful than wearing nothing at all. She tugged a yoga tee over her head and pulled a pair of spandex leggings over her narrow hips. As she did, she felt foolish for compromising her beliefs. She’d been sleeping naked since she was born. It was as natural to her as breathing. And since she wasn’t dressed for sleep, she didn’t expect to get

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