Scorch (Black Inferno Book 4)

Free Scorch (Black Inferno Book 4) by K.T. Fisher

Book: Scorch (Black Inferno Book 4) by K.T. Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.T. Fisher
” he growls. “Stop the car and get out.”
    I place my hand over the phone again, so Troy can’t hear me speaking to the girls. “Tell them to call the police.”
    “There’s a tracker on the car,” Roxie reminds us. “Tell them to follow, quickly.”
    After everything that’s happened with Roxie and Joe, Mason was freaked in case anything like that could happen again. Some may have thought it was overreacting, but right now I want to hug Mason for having the tracker on Roxie’s car.
    Lacey informs Cole while I listen to Troy’s threats. “If you do not come to me, I will kill you.”
    “No, you won’t.” I might sound brave, but goosebumps litter my entire body.
    “You want to take that risk?” he asks me.
    “Why are you doing this, Troy?” I ask him. “I left you. We. Are. Over. Why can’t you accept that?”
    “ Because you’re mine,” he screams. “Nobody else can ever have you.”
    I close my eyes and lean my head back.
    Why did I ever get with him?
    “You have to move on,” I insist, but this only angers him more.
    “I don’t want to fucking move on! Why are you saying this shit, Crystal?” he asks me. “Have you moved on?”
    I don’t say anything, and that’s a mistake. I should have said no.
    “Tell me who the fucker is… now,” he shouts.
    “There’s nobody,” I insist.
    “Fucking liar!”
    “I’m not lying to you,” I try to persuade him.
    “Cole has called the police…” Lacey whispers, “…and they’re on the way.”
    “Thank goodness,” breathes Roxie, her hands grip the wheel as she tries to speed away from Troy behind us. Suddenly, we jerk forward as Troy hits the rear of our car and we all scream. I hear Troy laugh down the phone as he hits us again.
    “He’s hitting the car…” Lacey tells Cole down the phone, “…please tell the police to hurry.”
    “Stop it,” I plead with Troy.
    “Get out the car and the bitches will live,” he threatens.
    “Don’t you dare,” I order. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
    Troy laughs. “Then… get the fuck… out… of the car.”
    I look to Roxie. “Let me out.”
    “Like hell I’m letting you out this car,” she screams.
    “Don’t Crystal,” Lacey begs. “The police are coming.”
    “I have to.” I place my hand on the door handle.
    “Come to me,” Troy speaks down the phone.
    “Don’t you dare open that door,” Roxie growls out, still trying her best to speed away.
    “He said he’ll kill you,” I cry.
    “No,” Lacey whispers. “Stay here.”
    I look back at her and see her tears. “I don’t want any of you hurt.”
    “We will be if you go to him,” Lacey speaks to me. “Please, don’t let him have what he wants. If you go to him, you will hurt us because he will have you .”
    “Don’t listen to her…” Troy shouts down the phone, “…tell the bitch to stay out of it.”
    “Don’t listen to him,” Roxie adds, “…he’s getting in your head. Don’t let him!”
    “He will kill you,” I sob. “If he doesn’t get me, he will kill you and I won’t be able to live with myself.”
    Roxie manages to snatch the phone out of my hand, and with one hand on the steering wheel she growls into the phone, “Listen here you sick twisted son of a bitch, you’ll never get Crystal again. I will personally make sure of it. Leave her the fuck alone!” Roxie hangs up and throws my cell into the back of the car, where it begins to ring again.
    “Cole said the police are close,” Lacey informs us, still gripping her cell to her ear.
    Roxie breaths a big sigh of relief. “Don’t you ever go back to that shit again! Not even for us… do you hear me?”
    I nod, looking into the mirror and watching Troy gain on us. My hand still on the door handle and I see it’s not locked. I could just open it and this all ends now. I pull on the handle and the girls hear the click.
    “Crystal… no…” Roxie shouts to me.
    “I have to,” I tell them. “This has to end.”
    “Don’t you

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